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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 5 - Spell Checker / Spell Checker Reference
Functions /


SpellSkip(speller, word)

Adds a word to the list of words that should be skipped (not checked) in this spelling session.

The frame returned by the *SpellDocBegin function.

A string containing a word to skip.

return value
Undefined; do not rely on it.


*SpellSkip is used to add a word to a list of words that should be skipped during the course of spell checking a document, but that should not be added permanently to the user's personal word list. *SpellSkip processes the word as described in "Processing of Words Passed to the Spell Checker". It then adds the word to the list of skipped words.

With regard to capitalization, *SpellSkip stores the word exactly as written.

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