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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 4 - Keyboard Enhancements / Keyboard Reference
Application-Defined Methods for Keystroke Events /


view:ViewKeyDownScript(char, flags)

Sent by the system when a user presses down a keyboard key.

The character that was entered on the keyboard. Note that if a modifier key is the only key pressed (for example, the Shift key), this value will be 0.

A 30-bit integer that specifies which modifier keys were pressed and other additional information. The use of the individual bits in this value are shown in Table 4-14.

return value
Your implementation must return nil if you want the system to continue processing the keystroke.


Table 4-14 shows how the bits in the flags parameter are used for the key event scripts.

Table 4-14 Key event-processing script flags
0 to 7The keycode.
8 to 23The 16-bit character that would be inserted if none of the modifier keys were pressed.
24Indicates whether the key was delivered from an on-screen keyboard. (kIsSoftKeyboard)
25Indicates that the Command key was down. (kCommandModifier)
26Indicates that the Shift key was down. (kShiftModifier)
27Indicates that the Caps Lock key was down. (kCapsLockModifier)
28Indicates that the Option key was down. (kOptionsModifier)
29Indicates that the Control key was down. (kControlModifier)

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