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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 3 - Word Processing Views / Word Processing View Reference
Protos / protoTXView



Reconfigures a view for printing.

A point frame with the following two slots:

x The horizontal margin, in pixels.

y The vertical margin, in pixels.

return value
An error code, or nil if the operation worked.


For paged layouts, the margins are used for each page. The default margin is (0, 0).

You can call *SetGeometry to reconfigure your view for printing; however, doing so changes your margin settings. If you use *SetDrawOrigin, your margin settings are not affected.
For example, to print the page number n for a view with page height h (including margins) in your PrintNextPageScript, you can call *SetDrawOrigin as follows and then draw the view:

SetDrawOrigin( {x:0, y:n*h} )

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