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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 3 - Word Processing Views / Word Processing View Reference
Protos / protoTXView


protoTXView:SetHiliteRange(newRange, showHilite, setKeyView)

Changes the current highlight range.

A range frame that specifies the new highlight range. Range frames are described in "The Range Frame".

A Boolean value. If this is true, the content of the view is scrolled as necessary to display the new range. If the range is larger than the screen, the start of the range is displayed.

A Boolean value. If this is true, the view becomes the current key view, which activates the view for keyboard input. If this is nil and there already is a key view, the highight range is shown as an inactive selection, which has a different on-screen appearance than a selection in the key view.

return value
An error code, or nil if the operation worked.

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