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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 3 - Word Processing Views / Word Processing View Reference
Protos / protoTXView


protoTXView:ChangeRangeRuns(range, fontSpec, toggleFace, undoable)

Changes the font attributes for a range of text in a word-processing view.

A range frame defining the text range that you want to change. See "The Range Frame".

A font specification frame that can contain nil slots. Any non-nil slots in this frame indicate new text attributes for the range. Use nil slots to indicate that the corresponding attribute is not to change. For a description of the font specification frame, see the section "Font Frame" (8-18) in Newton Programmer's Guide.

A Boolean value that specifies the font face attribute to use for all text in the range.

If toggleFace is nil, the font face is changed to the value of the face slot in fontSpec. If that value is nil, the font face is not change.

If toggleFace is non-nil, the font face is toggled: if one of the font face values specified in the face slot in fontSpec is used across the entire range, *ChangeRangeRuns turns off that attribute. Otherwise, that attribute is applied to all of the text in range.

If the value of this slot is non-nil, the operation can be undone. If the value of this slot is nil, the operation cannot be undone.

return value
An error code, or nil if the operation worked.

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