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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 3 - Word Processing Views / Word Processing View Reference
Protos / protoTXView



Returns a range frame for the text line in the view that contains the specified offset.

The offset from the beginning of the text in the word-processing view. This offset specifies the caret location: a value of 0 indicates before the first character, and a value of 1 indicates between the first and second characters.

return value
A range frame corresponding to the text line that contains the specified offset.


The returned range includes the trailing carriage return if it exists. If the offset is on a carriage return, the range returned is the one preceding the carriage return and including it. If the offset is after a carriage return, the next run is returned. Page break characters are treated the same as carriage returns.

Editing Functions and Methods

This section describes the methods that you can use to perform editing operations in your word-processing views. Many of the editing operations can be undone by the user without any coding effort on your part.

Note that when an editing operation crosses paragraph boundaries, the ruler of the first paragraph is used.

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26 APR 1997

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