Changes in 1.2d6 since 1.2d7. This change applies to both "Newton 2.0" and "Newton 2.1". -- changed textFlags slot type from Number back to Evaluate (as it was before 1.2d5) Changes in 1.2d5 since 1.2d4. These changes apply to both "Newton 2.0" and "Newton 2.1" unless otherwise noted. -- constants -- added kPortrait, kLandscape, kPortraitFlip and kLandscapeFlip kGestaltArg_HasSoftContrast, kGestaltArg_VolumeInfo, kGestaltArg_Microphone, and kGestaltArg_BuiltIn_Keyboard -- some 2.1-specific constants did not appear in earlier versions of "Newton 2.1 Defs", they do now -- prototypes -- fixed viewBounds of all protoÅTextPickers -- various other slots fixes -- known global functions -- added StrTokenize IsPathExpr RecognizePara IsNativeFunction TextBox IsHalting -- now available at compile-time StdButtonWidth -- more view methods have help strings -- new slots in Methods menu (2.1 only) ViewKeyDownScript ViewKeyUpScript ViewKeyRepeatScript ViewKeyStringScript ViewCaretActivateScript -- new slots in Attributes menu (2.1 only) textFlags _nextKeyView -- new glue functions kGetAllFontsFunc() => array of font description frames kGetCommPortInfoFunc() => array of comm port description frames kGetCorrectInfoFunc() => correct info frame -- new compile-time functions (2.1 only) PackRGB(red,green,blue) => packedRGB UnpackRGB(red,green,blue) => packedRGB [compile-time only] GetRed(packedRGB) => red GetGreen(packedRGB) => green GetBlue(packedRGB) => blue -- keyboard/keycode support (2.1 only) known global functions IsCommandKeystroke(char, flags) HandleKeyEvents(keyEvents) IsKeyDown(keyCode,isHardKeyboard) CategorizeKeyCommands(keyCommandArray) FindKeyCommand(startView,char,flags) GatherKeyCommands(startView) PressButton(buttonView) SendKeyMessage(keyView,keyMessage) glue functions kStringToKeyCodesFunc(string) => keyCodeArray kDownUpKeyCodesFunc(keyCodeOrArray) => keyCodeArray constants: kShiftKeyCode kControlKeyCode kOptionKeyCode kCommandKeyCode kCmdAKeyCodes kCmdCKeyCodes kCmdEKeyCodes kCmdFKeyCodes kCmdNKeyCodes kCmdOKeyCodes kCmdPKeyCodes kCmdRKeyCodes kCmdSKeyCodes kCmdWKeyCodes kCRKeyCodes kTabKeyCodes kDeleteKeyCodes kHelpKeyCodes -- IRDA constants (2.1 only) kCMSIrDA kCMOIrDADiscoveryInformation kCMOIrDAConnectInformation kCMOIrDAReceiveBuffers kCMOIrDALinkDisconnectTimeout kCMOIrDAConnectUserData kIrDA1ProbeSlot kIrDA6ProbeSlot kIrDA8ProbeSlot kIrDA12ProbeSlot kIrDASvcHintPnPCompatible kIrDASvcHintPDAPalmtop kIrDASvcHintComputer kIrDASvcHintPrinter kIrDASvcHintModem kIrDASvcHintFAX kIrDASvcHintLanAccess kIrDASvcHintTelephony kIrDASvcHintFileServer -- not deprecated contrary to the assertion earlier Release Notes, ClearSelectionHilites is not deprecated Changes in 1.2d4 since CD #11. These changes apply to both "Newton 2.0" and "Newton 2.1" unless otherwise noted. -- replaced protoNumberPicker with newtStatusBar in the tools pallette -- added GetTargetInfo to Methods popup -- incorporated Mail Enabler (English) into the platform file -- added kGetMaskedPixelFunc (2.1 only) -- deprecated functions GetSound & GetSound11 kSimpleTextHeightFunc -- DefConst is now defined (for build time) in terms of DefineGlobalConstant if it exists -- added build-time functions: MakeBinaryFromHex MakeExtrasIcons GetSoundFrame GetSynthSoundFrame (2.1 only) GetSynthSoundFrameSlow (2.1 only) -- usage strings for many functions changed or added or, in a few cases, removed -- put the 2.0 ROM Units into the 2.1 file, too -- constants -- renamed protoAlphaKeys to protoAlphaKeyboard protoNumericKeys to protoNumericKeyboard -- added lvAdjustTopicBounds kGestaltArg_HasBackLight kNegativeZero, kInfinity, kNegativeInfinity and kNAN opInProgress, opSuccess, opFailure, opPartSuccess, opReadOnly, opNotSupported, opBadOpCode, opNotFound, opTruncated and opPadded -- removed kSystemTimeUnits, kMicroSeconds, kMilliSeconds, kSeconds and kMinutes -- prototypes -- added newtNewStationeryButton newtStationeryPopupButton newtShowStationeryButton newtProtoLine newtROLabelInputLine newtROLabelNumInputLine newtROLabelDateInputLine newtROLabelTimeInputLine newtNRLabelTimeInputLine newtNRLabelDateInputLine newtNRLabelDateNTimeInputLine protoAlphaKeyboard protoNumericKeyboard protoRecorderView (2.1 only) protoTXView (2.1 only) -- many changes to existing proto slots