Welcome to NewtGrocery! Requirements NewtGrocery is an application for the Newton MessagePads, from Apple. It will work on any MessagePad running the Newton Operating System 2.0 or better. It requires about 70KB for storage. Description NewtGrocery is the perfect helper in the grocery store. You start by preparing your grocery list, and then you proceed to the store, still with your MessagePad in hand! Since the application was specifically built for shopping in the grocery store, there are a lot of functionalities that will let you cruise the isles of the grocery store much faster, while helping you to make sure that you're buying the most cost effective product. Price NewtGrocery is provided to you as a shareware. Upon installing it, you will be given a trial period of 30 days. After the 30 days are over, you will be prompted to enter your registration number. You can buy the registration number, or a license, from Kagi or by using PayPal. My userid on PayPal is nemesys@mac.com. Upon confirmation from Kagi or PayPal of your payment, I will send you your personal registration number. Your registration number will be based on your name, as you entered it in the Owner Info application. It is important that you indicate your email address and your name. Using PayPal should be faster than Kagi, but they only accept Visa or MasterCard, while Kagi is much more flexible. Alternatively, you can use the included package NewtRegister to enter all the information needed by Kagi. To use NewtRegister, from within NewtGrocery, tap the i menu on the bottom left. A popup menu appears. Tap Buy registration. NewtRegister will open. Tap Program. A popup menu appears with a list of applications installed on your MessagePad. Tap NewtGrocery:NEMESYS. The version number and the price will be filled automatically. Do not select anything for the Disk Type, since NewtGrocery is only distributed electronically. Tap Continue and fill all other informations. Your credit card number will be encripted. Once you're done, you can email these informations to Kagi, so your MessagePad must have the ability to send Internet email. The cost of a license is $15. History June 30th, 2000. Initial release. Distribution -NewtGrocery Newton package -NewtRegister Newton package -Documentation in HTML format -ReadMe.txt, this file Contact Laurent Daudelin Nemesys Software http://home.cox.rr.com/nemesys nemesys@cox.rr.com