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EETransfer Off-line documentation

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Updated 97/06/24 ReceiveZModem

Receive one or several files using the ZModem protocol.

If the file name of the received file ends with ".pkg", the file is considered as a package.
If the file name ends with ".pct", the file is considered as Macintosh PICT file and is converted into a Newton picture.
If the file name ends with ".nso", the file is considered as a NewtonScript Object file and isconverted into a Newton object.
Otherwise, the file is considered as a text file and is not converted.

* allowCommands
type: boolean default value: true
Allows the sender to send any NewtonScript commands which are executed immediately.

This option is a security hole, so it may be disabled.

* charset
type: symbol
possible values: defined in the file "EERecodeConstants.f"
default value: kMacOSCharset ('mac)
Defines which characters set is used for the file and the file name.
This information is used to convert or show the file.

* clientAppSymbol
type: symbol
default value: nil
AppSymbol of the application which intends to use this file.
If clientAppSymbol equals nil, the appSymbol of the application currently running the script will be used, so you will seldom have to override clientAppSymbol default value.

Note: if a file conversion occurs, the clientAppSymbol slot may be ignored by EETransfer.

* convertTextFiles
type: boolean
default value: nil
If the file name ends with ".txt", and "convertTextFiles" is set to true, the file is considered as a text file and is converted into a Newton text object.
Otherwise, the file is not converted.

* encodeControlChars
type: boolean default value: nil
Encode control characters used by the ZModem protocol to allow operation with some packet switched networks.

* szString
type: string or nil default value: nil
Use this option if you want to send a command to the sender before starting to receive.
This option is useful if the Newton is connected to a Unix or DOS server or a BBS.
For example, if szString is set to "sz readme.txt\n", the Newton will command the Unix server to send the file "readme.txt".

* sendFirstZrinit
type: boolean default value: true
This option is a patch which needs only to be used when receiving files from a UNIX server which uses the lsz command.
Sometimes these systems will trash (core dump) when they receive the first ZRINIT packet. If this occurs just set this option to nil.

* transport
type: frame
default value: nil

The transport must always be EETransfer.

Note: Before the script executes itself, the global variable "transport" is automatically set to EETransfer. So if you don't use a slot "globalSymbols" you don't have to (and you should not) provide a slot "transport". Otherwise, the "globalSymbols" slot must contain a slot:
transport: 'transport,

* waitForOO
type: boolean
default value: true
Some versions of HyperTerminal, a Windows 95 program, seem to have a bug which prevents them to send correctly the "OO" (Over and Out) sequence when the "ReceiveZModem" has endend. So, if you are transfering from HyperTerminal, set this option to nil, otherwise the "ReceiveZModem" will wait a few seconds for the "OO" sequence and then generate a warning.

* wantToUseCrc32
type: boolean
default value: true
If this option is set, the sender will be asked to use a CRC32 instead of a CRC16.
A CRC32 is safest but takes a little more time to calculate.
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