BinHexer Documentation Version 1.0 Released 19 July 2000 Welcome to BinHex for the Newton 2.x. This is the first application for the Newton platform to provide BinHex services. BinHexer goes far beyond converting to and from BinHex files. It provides a means of getting nearly any binary safely off the Newton and onto any desktop platform. Once the BinHex'd file is on the desktop, any standard BinHex program can decode them including the free utility StuffIt Expander from Aladdin Systems ( Requirements: Newton 2.x device (MessagePad 2x00 recommended for speed) Newton Works (available for free at or other archives) Translator (available for free at At least twice the size of the converted object in free space on your default store. This may be as much as 500k or more if converting a Tibet photo. A 470k file has been succesfully created and downloaded to the desktop. Extras: NewtWorks Drawing (free) ViewFrame (free) BinHexer works along side existing applications by providing a transport that is accessible to any transport-aware application. In particular, BinHexer works directly with the Notepad, the Extras Drawer, and Newton Works. BinHexer requires Newton Works (available for free) to be the "middle man" for BinHex'd documents. When an object is BinHex'd, a new file is created in the "Unfiled Documents" folder. BinHexer can decode a BinHex'd document with the tool "HexToBin" that is in the Tools menu in NewtWorks paper. BinHexer works with NewtWorks Drawings to create a PICT file on the desktop. Create your drawing, as complex as you want. Tap the Action Button and pick BinHex. You'll get a WYSIWYG picture on the desktop. BinHexer works with the builtin Notepad application to BinHex text and sounds. Create the note or sound and then pick BinHex from the Action Button. BinHexer will also BinHex loaded packages through the Extras Drawer. Just select the package(s) and pick BinHex from the Action Button. BinHexer works alongside Tibet to BinHex pictures that are loaded. Just select the picture and pick BinHex Photo from the Action Button. BinHexer works with ViewFrame to allow browsing the system to create stream files and PICT and sound files. Simply browse around until the object you want shows up, then pick from the Action Button the appropriate encoder: BinHex Stream File, BinHex Picture File, BinHex Sound File. Once the new .hqx document is created, then you can transfer it to the desktop with Newton Connection Utilities (NCU). Windows users must transfer it as a Rich Text Format (RTF) document which must subsequently convert it to text with a program like Microsoft Word. Once on the desktop as text, then any BinHex utility can decode it. The resulting desktop file depends on the object encoded. Object encoded File Type Extension Desktop program NewtWorks Drawing PICT .pict Quicktime Notepad Sound GSM GSM .au.gsm ?? convert to .au Notepad Sound IMA AIFC .aif Quicktime object stream STR! .stream Newton Toolkit raw sound AIFC .aif Quicktime mu-Law sound ULAW .au Quicktime ? Tibet picture JPEG .jpg Quicktime pict resource rsrc .rsrc ResEdit (on Mac) package pkg .pkg NCU text TEXT .txt any text reader Example for getting your sound off the Newton. 1) Create a new sound page in the Notepad application. 2) Record the lecture or voice or whatever. 3) Tap the Action Button and pick BinHex 4) Choose BinHex now. 5) Progress will be displayed as the file is encoded. 6) Once finished, a new entry occurs in Newton Works Unfiled folder 7) Connect to the desktop with NCU 8) download the .hqx file from Newton Works. 9) if using Windows then download as RTF; if using Macintosh then download as TEXT 10) if using Windows then convert RTF document to TEXT 11) decode .hqx file with StuffIt Expander (or another). A similar procedure exists for other applications. Limitations: BinHexer does not currently handle stuffed or zipped files. This means that .sit.hqx cannot be converted. If you know of a program on the desktop that only BinHex's files without compressing first then you can transfer sounds and pictures and streams to the Newton. Otherwise, you can send the .hqx files to another Newton or the desktop. BinHexer can create Macintosh resource files but only on a programmer's level. BinHexer is released as a fully working demo and will expire after two weeks from installing. The password can be purchased for US$20 from Prism Research. See the Web site for details of ordering products. Jonathan Kipling Knight Owner/Programmer Prism Research 6940 N. Academy Blvd. PMB#332 Colorado Springs, CO 80918