Abstracts from files in info-mac/nwt/info as of Sun 3 Dec 2000 #### BINHEX 95-theses.hqx **** From: j5rson@prairie.lakes.com (Jeffrey D. Iverson) Subject: 95 Theses Newton Book - Written by Martin Luther and nailed to the door of the church of Wittenburg on October 31, 1517, this document is responsible for the Protestant Reformation. -- Jeffrey D. Iverson 507.386.6208 weekdays Iverson Software Co. 507.625.7355 evening/weekend 522 Record St. j5rson@prairie.lakes.com Mankato MN 56001-2546 http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/ #### BINHEX account-of-egypt.hqx **** From: j5rson@prairie.lakes.com (Jeffrey D. Iverson) Subject: Account of Egypt Newton Book - Written by Herodotus in the fifth century BC. It tells of the wonders of ancient Egypt with a style and grace not seen before that time. Jeffrey D. Iverson 507.386.6208 weekdays Iverson Software Co. 507.625.7355 evening/weekend 522 Record St. j5rson@prairie.lakes.com Mankato MN 56001-2546 http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/ #### BINHEX acoustical-terms.hqx **** From: j5rson@prairie.lakes.com (Jeffrey D. Iverson) Subject: Acoustical Terms Newton Book - A glossary of over 230 terms, from A-weighting to White Noise. #### BINHEX airports-3.hqx **** From: j5rson@prairie.lakes.com Subject: Airports For Newton Release 3 May 14, 1997 -- Mankato MN -- For Immediate Release Iverson Software Co., of Mankato, MN, is pleased to announce Release 3 of Airports for Newton. The newly revised NewtonBook contains over 9,200 codes used to identify airports (such as ORD for Chicago-O'Hare, IL, USA). The previous version had over 5,000 and was considered one of the most complete references of airport codes available. It is available as Shareware $10.00 US, and can be found on Iverson Software's website at http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/business/ebooks.html. -- Jeffrey D. Iverson 507.386.6208 weekdays Iverson Software Co. 507.625.7355 evening/weekend 21 Devonshire Pl. j5rson@prairie.lakes.com Mankato MN 56001-4984 http://prairie.lakes.com/~j5rson/ #### BINHEX albrecht-101.hqx **** From: (Paul M. Sheldon) psheldon@utdallas.edu Subject: Albrecht 101 - Los Alamos book exemplifies newton press outlining Herein find an example of what newton press can do. The book I made from Albrecht's electronic research paper might not be interesting in content, except to an expert in quantum mechanics interpretation, but it best exemplifies what anyone can do with a latex program and newton press, so I thought it might be appropriate here. I might have put my own, much shorter, paper to Los Alamos up instead for less bandwidth, but then you wouldn't see the outlining power of newton press both needed and implemented. For those experts amongst you, "naughtyword 7.1 is gooooooood". So, here again is what I did in order illustrating how easy it is. With textures, a typesetting program, I retypeset in the latex source to produce pages the size of newton screen and then printed these to picture-files with print to pict. Then I dragged ordered page-pictures in folders into the newton press ap to get a book. Very easy. Then, I built an outline to navigate in the book. I can enjoy long dog walks in cool nights (here in hot day Dallas, Texas) while reading science research on the new glowing mp130. #### BINHEX babylon-5-season-1-v1.hqx **** From: Linger@earthlink.net (Ken Linger) Subject: Babylon 5 Newton Book Season 1 This is version 1.0 of the Babylon 5 Season 1 Newton book. I've compiled all the text from the Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5 season 1. It includes complete descriptions of all episodes as well as comments by jms, the show's creator. This file is free and should only be distributed freely. It may be included on the Info-Mac CD. For updates or to send comments, check out . That is a web page I've set up to always contain the most recent version of the files. You may also email me at . Ken Linger #### BINHEX babylon-5-season-2-v1.hqx **** From: Linger@earthlink.net (Ken Linger) Subject: Babylon 5 Newton Book Season 2 This is version 1.0 of the Babylon 5 Season 2 Newton book. I've compiled all the text from the Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5 season 2. It includes complete descriptions of all episodes as well as comments by jms, the show's creator. This file is free and should only be distributed freely. It may be included on the Info-Mac CD. For updates or to send comments, check out . That is a web page I've set up to always contain the most recent version of the files. You may also email me at . Ken Linger #### BINHEX babylon-5-season-3-v1.hqx **** From: Linger@earthlink.net (Ken Linger) Subject: Babylon 5 Newton Book Season 3 This is version 1.0 of the Babylon 5 Season 3 Newton book. I've compiled all the text from the Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5 season 3. It includes complete descriptions of all episodes as well as comments by jms, the show's creator. This file is free and should only be distributed freely. It may be included on the Info-Mac CD. For updates or to send comments, check out . That is a web page I've set up to always contain the most recent version of the files. You may also email me at . Ken Linger #### BINHEX macworld-boston-94.hqx **** Date: Sun, 31 Jul 1994 16:04:24 -0400 (EDT) From: Bill Kearney Subject: The FINAL rev of the Macworld Boston 94 app! Well, some last minute stuff, as usual. It's a macWorld Boston 1994 vendor booth listing browser. Install the 2 included apps and go to town! If I see you at the show, you better have your $5 shareware fee on you! #### BINHEX newt-a-tut-14-book.hqx **** From: weyer@netaxs.com (Steve Weyer) Subject: NewtATut 1.4 (Newt application tutorial) NewtATut 1.4 (Newt Application Tutorial) is a Newton book version based on an article "Building Native Newton Applications with Newt" that appeared in PDA (formerly PIE) Developers, Vol. 2.4, July 1994; pp.14-18. This interactive tutorial will show how you can develop a simple application in NewtonScript and save a package directly on your Newton using Newt. Keywords: tutorial, Newt, object-oriented programming, application development environment, NewtonScript, NTK. Changes in 1.4 (24 Nov 96) - added info button, URL-oriented about box to example - updated to work with Newt 3.3 - book created with Newt's Cape 1.3 from HTML; package compressed NewtATut -- the book -- is freeware. "Newt" -- the native programming environment for developing applications using NewtonScript -- is shareware. Newt is not required to use this book, nor must it be registered to try NewtATut. If you have Newt installed on your Newton, you can build and test the application incrementally as you read. (You should be able to find Newt on the same server/service where you found this book, under a Newton application or development directory, with a name similar to newt33.sit/.zip or newt-devenv-33.sit.hqx). This version of NewtATut works with Newt version 3.3 (and greater). See also NewtTurT -- interactive turtle tutorial. Steve Weyer Internet: weyer@netaxs.com weyer@kagi.com, SteveWeyer@acm.org America Online: SteveWeyer Compuserve: 74603,2051 http://www.netaxs.com/~weyer/newton/releases.html #### BINHEX newt-faq-32.hqx **** From: weyer@netaxs.com (Steve Weyer) Subject: Newt Dev Env FAQ 3.2 keywords: Newt, FAQ, NewtonScript, application development environment This FAQ answers some "frequently asked questions" about Newt, a Newton environment for developing applications in NewtonScript and saving as packages directly on your Newton. Newt 3.2 is now NOS (Newton OS) 2.0 compatible. The FAQ recycles, updates and augments information that is found with the current versions of the Newt package (newt-devenv-32.hqx/.sit; newt-32.zip) (see "Where do I find Newt?") and NewtATut book, an interactive Newt Application Tutorial (see "What other Newt-related packages are available?"). Note: If you have downloaded Newt 3.2, you do not need to download this since you already have this text file (newt-faq.txt). Steve Weyer Internet: weyer@netaxs.com America Online/eWorld/NewtonMail: SteveWeyer Compuserve: 74603,2051 http://www.netaxs.com/~weyer/newton/releases.html #### BINHEX newt-turt-14-book.hqx **** From: weyer@netaxs.com (Steve Weyer) Subject: NewtTurT 1.4 (Newt turtle tutorial) NewtTurT 1.4 (Newt Turtle Tutorial) is an interactive tutorial (Newton book) that will show how you can program in NewtonScript with turtle-style graphics directly on your Newton using Newt. There is also a related book -- NewtATut (Newt Application Tutorial) -- that shows how you can develop an application with buttons, fields and other interface objects in NewtonScript and save it as a package using Newt. Keywords: tutorial, Newt, object-oriented programming, NewtonScript, learning, graphics, mathematics, Logo Changes in 1.4 (24 Nov 96) - updated to work with Newt 3.3 - book created with Newt's Cape 1.3; package compressed NewtTurT -- the book -- is freeware. "Newt" -- the native programming environment for developing applications and doing graphical programming -- is shareware. Newt is not required to use this book, nor must it be registered to try NewtTurT. If you have Newt installed on your Newton, you can try the examples as you read. (You should be able to find Newt on the same server/service where you found this book, under a Newton application or development directory, with a name similar to newt-devenv-33.sit.hqx or newt33.sit). This version of NewtTurT works with Newt version 3.3 (and greater). It requires the NewtDraw plug-in to be installed. Steve Weyer Internet: weyer@netaxs.com weyer@kagi.com, SteveWeyer@acm.org America Online: SteveWeyer Compuserve: 74603,2051 http://www.netaxs.com/~weyer/newton/releases.html #### BINHEX software-list-211-fm.hqx **** Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 17:55:41 -0700 From: ashley@amug.org (Ashley Armstrong) Subject: Newton Software list Nwt Software 211.fm.rt - Formerly called the Totally Incomplete List of Newton Software - Want a totally incomplete list of all software (shareware, freeware, public domain and commercial) for the Newton? The Newton titles are listed alphabetically, and the version number, author, and description are given, as well as it's size when loaded, date of the last revision, type of program (free, commercial, shareware...), fee, and notes. This is a great and very useful list, updated 11/94. You'll be amazed at the number of titles. Maybe you should buy a Newton? This version includes a run time version of FileMaker pro, so you don't even have to own FileMaker to open it! Ashley Barnard Armstrong Arizona Mac Users Group ashley@amug.org 4131 N. 24th Street, Suite A120 upload to ftp.amug.org Phoenix, AZ 85016 /incoming 602-553-0066 phone Check our Web site 602-553-0144 fax http://www.amug.org Other email for me: AMUGII@aol.com AMUGII@eWorld.com AMUG@Applelink.apple.com #### BINHEX sun-pack-book.hqx **** From: igorl@uiuc.edu (Igor Livshits) Subject: Solar panels for PowerBooks and Newtons (Newton book) Date: Mon, 28 Mar 1994 16:35:56 -0600 --========================_13938220==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Howdy, Attached is a Newton book about solar panels for PowerBooks and Newtons from KISS. They sent me this information upon request. These are commercial products, and I have not tried them yet. I am just passing the information along in response to solar power for Macs questions that surface periodically. KISS may be reached at KISS4@aol.com. Cheers, Igor --========================_13938220==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="SunPack=_Info.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="SunPack=_Info.sit" #### BINHEX the-eye-of-argon.hqx **** From: ajgainsf@actrix.gen.nz (Allen Gainsford) Subject: The Eye of Argon Attached is a Newton-Book form of the classic story "The Eye of Argon" by Jim Theis. This book is widely considered to be the worst book ever written -- and a quick look at the first few paragraphs will tell you why. It's a rare reader that can take in a single page without burst out laughing at the sheer awfulness of the purple prose, the tortured spelling, and the agonized adjectives. In short, this is a work of genius, and should not be missed! Enjoy... Technical notes: This book is distributed as a Newton package. The Newton Backup Utility or Connection Kit is required to install it on a PDA. Allen Gainsford ajgainsf@actrix.gen.nz #### BINHEX troubleshooting-101-pkg.hqx **** From: (Royce Eddington) eddingto@ddbniac.com Subject: Newton Book Troubleshooting 101 Hey! What's this? This Newton package / book is intended to help you troubleshoot your Macintosh computer if it bombs or freezes under System 7.0 through 7.5.3. It won't help you with a "Sad Mac" on startup problem, won't bring back a trashed file, and it won't make your boss give you a raise, but it just might bail you out of a bad situation. This is written with a Macintosh novice in mind but contains useful information for all levels of Macintosh users. This Newton package / book is very closely based on the Troubleshooting 101 DA for the Macintosh by the same author. The Macintosh DA was initially written for MacMagazine at http://oeonline.com:80/~tomk/MacMagazine/ and was later distributed to the DDB Needham agency in Dallas. It is a thorough 10-step procedure and contains numbers for some major support companies. This Newton package / book is provided FREE to anyone who wants it. This Newton package / book may NOT BE SOLD. However, it may be copied and put on any Newton or be included with any package of hardware or software so long as (a) I am notified at the address below (b) the contents of this Newton package / book are not altered in any way. To contact the author of this TroubleShooting Newton package / book, send E-Mail to reddingt@onramp.net #### BINHEX westminster-abbey.hqx **** From: j5rson@prairie.lakes.com (Jeffrey D. Iverson) Subject: Westminster Abbey Newton Book - An essay by Joseph Addison.