Abstracts from files in info-mac/nwt/dev as of Sun 3 Dec 2000 #### BINHEX help-url-10.hqx **** From: weyer@netaxs.com (Steve Weyer) Subject: HelpURL 1.0 (add URLs to about box) HelpURL 1.0 (24 Nov 96): shows how to add active URLs to an about box and create a dynamic help book from HTML. includes NTK (NewtonScript) source. This works best with Newt's Cape 1.3 (or greater) installed on NOS 2.0 (though it will also work on 1.x). You can also create an active about box with URLs and dynamic help for an application in the Newt Development Environment (Newt 3.3) (see the NewtATut 1.4 tutorial). HelpURL is freeware. You are free to make modifications for your own use. I would appreciate your references to the Newt's Cape URL: http://www.netaxs.com/~weyer/newton/newtscape.html. Steve Weyer Internet: weyer@netaxs.com weyer@kagi.com, SteveWeyer@acm.org America Online: SteveWeyer Compuserve: 74603,2051 http://www.netaxs.com/~weyer/newton/releases.html #### BINHEX hi-toolkit-10.hqx **** Date: 29 Oct 1993 19:02:21 -0800 From: "Trygve Isaacson" Subject: Newton HI Toolkit Newton HI Toolkit Enclosed is my Newton Human Interface Toolkit. It is a set of templates for designing Newton interfaces. It probably belongs in newton/dev. The contents have been virus-checked with Disinfectant 3.2. The enclosed file is a Compact Pro self-extracting archive that has been BinHexed. The following text is in the readme file: ----------------------- Newton Human Interface Toolkit by Trygve Isaacson v1.0 10/28/93 Nothing fancy--this is just a couple of MacPaint documents containing a bunch of the Newton human interface elements in what I believe to be accurate dimensions. There is no real trick to creating this stuff, but it is pretty tedious, so I hope this will make it easier for you to sketch out your Newton ideas. If you have any corrections, suggestions, or additions you would like to see, please send them to me at: trygve@apple.com This package may be freely distributed, but please make sure to include the Read Me file with it. #### BINHEX newt-33.hqx **** From: weyer@netaxs.com (Steve Weyer) Subject: Newt 3.3 (develop Newton apps) Newt 3.3 (24 Nov 96): an environment for developing applications using NewtonScript and saving as packages directly on your Newton. Keywords: object-oriented programming, application development environment, NewtonScript, NTK. Summary of changes in Newt 3.3: - added info button and updated about box (URLs are active if Newt's Cape is installed); added protoAboutText and protoInfoButton protos. (see updated NewtATut example). - Prefs view (via "i" button) allows customization - Select Library allows selection of Workspaces of Personal Media documents - many updated/new examples, including some that use Newton Internet Enabler (NIE) - compatible with 1.x and 2.0 Newtons (and 2.1: MessagePad2000 and eMate300) Newt is shareware -- registered users can download (or receive floppies with) additional versions, 200+ examples, plugins, tools, documentation. Steve Weyer Internet: weyer@netaxs.com weyer@kagi.com, SteveWeyer@acm.org America Online: SteveWeyer Compuserve: 74603,2051 http://www.netaxs.com/~weyer/newton/releases.html #### BINHEX newt-devenv-34.hqx **** From: sweyer@bellatlantic.net Subject: Newt 3.4 (Newton development) [newt-devenv-34.sit] Newt 3.4 (26 Jan 98): an environment for developing applications using NewtonScript and saving as packages directly on your Newton. Keywords: object-oriented programming, application development environment, NewtonScript, NTK. Summary of changes in Newt 3.4: - support for context-sensitive source code editing via MetaDot plugin - improved compatiblity with other utilities: MoreFolders, SuperNotepad, HyperNewt - new method of specifying child order - localization support for user apps - many bug fixes, new preferences, font and menu improvements Compatible with all (1.x, 2.x) Newtons Newt is shareware -- registered users can download (or receive floppies with) additional versions, 200+ examples, plugins, tools, documentation. Steve Weyer Internet: weyer@kagi.com America Online, Compuserve: SteveWeyer http://members.bellatlantic.net/~sweyer/newton/index.htm #### BINHEX newtatut-book-16.hqx **** From: sweyer@bellatlantic.net Subject: NewATut 1.6 -- updated [newtatut-book-16 NewtATut (Newt Application Tutorial) is a Newton book version based on an article "Building Native Newton Applications with Newt" that appeared in PDA (formerly PIE) Developers, Vol. 2.4, July 1994; pp.14-18. This interactive tutorial will show how you can develop a simple application in NewtonScript and save a package directly on your Newton using Newt. 1.x compatible. Keywords: tutorial, Newt, object-oriented programming, application development environment, NewtonScript, NTK. Changes in 1.6 (16 Feb 98) - minor content, URL updates NewtATut -- the book -- is freeware. "Newt" -- the native programming environment for developing applications using NewtonScript -- is shareware. Newt is not required to use this book, nor must it be registered to try NewtATut. If you have Newt installed on your Newton, you can build and test the application incrementally as you read. (You should be able to find Newt on the same server/service where you found this book, under a Newton application or development directory, with a name similar to newt34.sit/.zip or newt-devenv-34.sit.hqx). This version of NewtATut works with Newt version 3.3 (and greater). See also NewtTurT -- interactive turtle tutorial. Internet: weyer@kagi.com AOL,CIS: SteveWeyer http://members.bellatlantic.net/~sweyer/newton/index.htm #### BINHEX newtscape-14.hqx **** From: weyer@kagi.com Subject: Newt's Cape 1.4 (browse web, create books) Newt's Cape 1.4 (28 Jun 97): creates Newton books with text, graphics, hypertext links, tables and embedded forms from HTML (HyperText Markup Language) documents from the web (via NIE) or in your Notepad, Inbox or over a serial connection. Keywords: books, HTML, web browsing, forms, NewtonScript. Recent Highlights: - reorganized user interface, faster TCP transfer, creates larger books, better heap usage - gray-scale, animated graphics - Newtworks support (import/export HTML), export formatted books - customize form behavior and objects (e.g., sliders, date pickers) via NewtonScript - use proxy servers; access sites that require password authentication or use cookies - Japanese, German and Chinese versions available (see changes.htm for complete list) Newt's Cape, along with associated documents and tools, is shareware ($35) -- registered users receive additional documentation, examples, tools and support. Steve weyer@kagi.com weyer@netaxs.com http://www.netaxs.com/~weyer/newton/releases.html http://www.kagi.com/authors/weyer/ http://www.gaia.com/ #### BINHEX newtscape-books-14.hqx **** From: weyer@kagi.com Subject: Newt's Cape 1.4 docs (book format) Newt's Cape docs 1.4 (book format) The archive for Newt's Cape 1.4 (newtscape-14.sit/NWCP14.ZIP) contains the Newton applications and documentation in HTML format. This file (newtscape-books-14.sit/NWCPBK14.ZIP) contains just the documentation in Newton book format (created by Newt's Cape). Steve weyer@kagi.com weyer@netaxs.com http://www.netaxs.com/~weyer/newton/releases.html http://www.kagi.com/authors/weyer/ http://www.gaia.com/ #### BINHEX newtturt-book-16.hqx **** From: sweyer@bellatlantic.net Subject: NewtTurT 1.6 -- updated [newtturt-book-16.sit.hqx] NewtTurT (Newt Turtle Tutorial) is an interactive tutorial (Newton book) that will show how you can program in NewtonScript with turtle-style graphics directly on your Newton using Newt. There is also a related book -- NewtATut (Newt Application Tutorial) -- that shows how you can develop an application with buttons, fields and other interface objects in NewtonScript and save it as a package using Newt. Keywords: tutorial, Newt, object-oriented programming, NewtonScript, learning, graphics, mathematics, Logo Changes in 1.6 (16 Feb 98) - minor content, URL updates NewtTurT -- the book -- is freeware. "Newt" -- the native programming environment for developing applications and doing graphical programming -- is shareware. Newt is not required to use this book, nor must it be registered to try NewtTurT. If you have Newt installed on your Newton, you can try the examples as you read. (You should be able to find Newt on the same server/service where you found this book, under a Newton application or development directory, with a name similar to newt-devenv-34.sit.hqx or newt34.sit). This version of NewtTurT works with Newt version 3.3 (and greater). It requires the NewtDraw plug-in to be installed. 1.x compatible. Internet: weyer@kagi.com AOL, CIS: SteveWeyer http://members.bellatlantic.net/~sweyer/newton/index.htm #### BINHEX ruler-135.hqx **** Date: Wed, 31 Aug 1994 13:31:02 -0500 From: jdunning@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (John Dunning) Subject: Ruler 1.3.5 (Newton utility) --========================_19927144==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Ruler is a freeware utility I've written that lets Newton developers measure and align views, bitmaps, and other on-screen items. Tapping on the Newton's screen lets the user drag one of two crosshairs around. A small floating palette displays the position of each crosshair and the distance between them. Non-programmers will probably not find it of much use. The file was compressed with StuffIt. --========================_19927144==_ Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="ruler-135.sit" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ruler-135.sit" #### BINHEX slurpee-20.hqx **** From: weyer@kagi.com Subject: Slurpee 2.0 (text/data Newton/desktop transfer) Slurpee 2.0 (22 May 97) transfers paragraphs or tab-delimited text between a text file and Newton soup entries via a terminal emulator and serial connection; type via keyboard to Newton fields, and print values and errors to terminal Keywords: data and text transfer, soup utility, keyboard, Inspector, terminal emulator, Newt, Newt's Cape Feature Summary: - transfer desktop text to/from Notes (and Outlines and Checklists on NOS 2.x) - import/export Names (examples provided) - import/export tab-delimited data via your desktop terminal emulator - use your desktop keyboard to enter text on your Newton - transfer graphics for applications in Newt Development Environment and books in Newt's Cape - versions for 1.x and 2.x Newtons Recent changes: - 2.x: import gray scale graphics; import/export packages - 2.x: larger binary objects - Note title, DUMP, misc. fixes Slurpee is shareware ($10). Registered users receive access to versions with faster transfer options, priority for answers and new features, help in testing custom soup and entry spec definitions. (Slurpee is free to registered users of Newt Development Environment or Newt's Cape. Slurpee source available to Newt users). Steve Weyer weyer@kagi.com http://www.netaxs.com/~weyer/newton/releases.html #### BINHEX sound-to-slurp.hqx **** From: psheldon@utdallas.edu Subject: newtons speaking Apple didn't release its speech synthesis in the mp2000, but did release voice recording. My program and recommended hardware will get you some of the features of the new mp2000 in case you are waiting for the 2010 with more speech recognition like I am. I made a little program to make all the newton message pads be able to talk just a little (I may work out a crude phonetics newtonscript plugin later). You may recall they didn't support pict 2's and after I did they came up with newton press which I enjoyed pict 2's in. I hope I maybe inspire them again. My tiny program takes a system 7 file, the kind you get by dragging an alert from the system or convert from a simplesound recording with freeware SoundApp 2.2.3, and turns it into a slurpee file that can be put into the newton sound soup with newton running slurpee. To see that the sound works, you might use bitsound, freeware available on Steve Weyer's pages. Well, now I've gotten "line in" for <$1000. What about lineout? Used radio shack telephone pickup on tiny newton speaker (Radio Shack Cat. No. 44-533 B with 1/8 " miniplug). About $6. Radio Shack also has $10 tiny amplifier-speaker for phone pickups that works admirably with above (if you set the volume down a bit to miss processor noise), Catalogue # 277-1008C. I continue to develope a gps navigation program for the trimble scoutmaster connecting with NMEA sentences. Few people own such an expensive gps unit, so I am, so far, my only beta tester. Speech recognition and synthesis will go nicely with my program.