Part 5 of 6
person cards to companies, and vice-versa. Credit: Stand Alone Software.
lets you add dated URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) to individual name cards in your Names
file. Each URL has a location (such as http://www.standalone.com/newton) and an optional
date, to let you know how current the URL is. Freeware. Credit: Stand Alone Software.
Route To
Works is a tool which allows you to dump text straight from any application which supports
Email into either the NewtWorks word processor or the Notepad. 30 day shareware. Credit:
Stand Alone Software.
SBM Services, a freeware tool to help Newton
users further customize entries in Names, Owner info and other menu options. Defaults and
definitions may be set for: Email services, Credit card types, Pager types, Phone
types. Update 2.0 improved credit card handling and 2.1 fixes a dialing prefix
problem. Credit: Softwarebüro Müller.
Smart Caps 1.0 - Smart Caps puts a button in the Notepad status bar on
your Newton. Tapping this button will properly capitalize any hilited text, or the current
note (if it's one of the 3 basic types; Note, Outline, or Checklist). Tap and hold this
button to get to the preferences, where you can choose how Smart Caps capitalizes words.
NotePad Converter needs Newton Operating system 2.0 or later. It also needs about 9k of
free storage space.
Up to
1000% Names Speedup, and Quick Access to any name. Credit: Stand Alone Software.
Access to any name in the names app. Credit: Stand Alone Software.
is a freeware application allowing quick access to the spelling checker. Features
include full keyboard navigation, auto-entering of hi-lighted words, and insertion of
suggested words makes SpellBox v1.2 a must-have upgrade. Credit: Avi Drissman.
is a spell checker for the MessagePad 2000. It adds a button to the status bar, which will
open up the SpellMan window. 30 day shareware. Credit: Stand Alone Software.
is a freeware tool to help Newton users check their spelling in NewtWorks. SpellWorks has
an interactive spell checker that notifies you of misspelled words as you type. In
addition, SpellWorks has an auto-expansion feature that lets you enter text in only a few
keystrokes. Credit: Foundation Systems.
Construction Kit lets you build stationery right on your Newton. This stationery will show
up as a choice when you create new notes, and supports beaming, mailing, faxing, and
printing. You will have access to two separate palettes: one for drawing, the other for
items (labels, checkboxes, buttons, label input lines, name input lines, date input lines,
time input lines, radio buttons, plane fields, and lists), all of which you can edit to
fit your needs exactly. 30 day shareware. Credit: Stand Alone Software.