Part 1 of 2
App Mem 2.1 - App Memory is a shareware program for disposing of unused
memory that applications leave behind and thus eating up memory. If you ever get the
"There is not enough memory - Cancel or Reboot" message (who has not !), then
this program is for you. Why does this happen? Because programs don't free up all the
memory they use when they quit. Even the built in apps don't. So, every time you run a
different program, some memory gets left behind. Soon, not enough memory is available for
program data. Then that message pops up and, if you reboot, you have to reset the Names,
Notes and other apps to show what you want. Some applications may malfunction or ask for a
registration number again. If one does, just un-check it from the list and it will be
bypassed and not be touched.
DataRescue - Experience tragically shows that the
most vulnerable part of your beloved Newton MessagePad is its display. In the case of a
damaged display it is not possible to write anything on it anymore. You cannot even get
your data back! This little package does nothing but automatically open the Connection
slip and wait for your desktop machine to get into contact. You will then be able to back
up your data from the desktop using the Newton Backup Utilities or similar software. Data
Rescue does so when it is installed, e.g. when a card is inserted or the MessagePad is
reset. Of course, you will not want to have this active all the time, but in an emergency
case it can be installed via a second MessagePad. It is also possible to unfreeze it in an
emergency case, but you need to use the pen to do so, again.
FilePad Demo 1.5 - Welcome to FilePad, the
flat-file database for the Newton MessagePad and compatible Personal Digital
Assistants. FilePad allows you to manage information on the go and transfer data to and
from your personal computer. A file cabinet icon represents each database you create. Like
a file cabinet, FilePad stores a variety of files. Unlike the average file cabinet,
FilePad fits into the palm of your hand. Vital information goes wherever you do. The
FilePad Demo software is fully functional. However, you are limited to three cabinets with
six entries each. This is a commercial demo.
Flash-Data allows you to transfer data between
your Newton PDA and your 4th DIMENSION databases and other Mac applications. With
Flash-Data, you can enter data in the field and dump it into your database. You can also
convert the contents of your Newton's name & datebook files to 4D data. 4D developers
can also use the Flash-Link externals to develop custom Newton connectivity solutions or
add data transfer options to existing applications. Multiple files and LocalTalk are now
supported. Picture fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, and multi line text fields are now
supported. Flash-Data 1.9 is compatible with both the new Apple MessagePad Newton
Operating System 2.0 and the previous O/S!
NoteThing transfers notes to and from your
desktop Mac for PC, allows you to print through your desktop Mac or PC, drag and drop text
editing and export to text, Word Perfect, Excel and more. 7 day Trial. Credit: Core Dump
PrintLink V1.0 for Newton is a utility that
allows the Newton to use your PC as a print gateway. As a result, your Newton will be able
to take advantage of the hundreds of Windows 95/NT compatible printers. Credit: PDA
Route To
Works is a tool which allows you to dump text straight from any application which supports
Email into either the NewtWorks word processor or the Notepad. 30 day shareware. Credit:
Stand Alone Software.