This sample shows how to Route data to the Out
Box in Newton 2.0 OS without using a protoActionButton. The user interface contains
controls to choose transports and Routing Formats, as well as controls for optional item
slots (including a printer chooser).
Shows how to set up your routing formats and
routeScripts for Newton OS 2.0.
This sample code shows how to route data from
overviews, using both 'newtOverview and "custom data class" methods. Also
contains an example of protoSoupOverview.
This sample shows how to layout and print items
with varying heights, using three different types of data and corresponding techniques.
The first type of data is "simple variable height" views, in which each view can
determine it's own height. The second type of data is clEditView data that might include
shapes, sketches, maps, or other types of grouped data. The third type of data is a huge
string that must be broken apart into variable-height paragraphs.