This sample project creates a stream file
containing a protocol extension to download and executed by an application using the 2.0
DILs (Desktop Integration Libraries). See the sample "SuiteP" for an example of
how to use protocol extensions.
DILette is a minimal sample application which
shows the very basics of using the DILs. This is a good place to start to get a very quick
overview of the API and what calls are necessary to send and receive data through the
DILs. DILette communicates with the Newton SoupDrink package.
DILette is a minimal sample application which
shows the very basics of using the DILs. This is a good place to start to get a very quick
overview of the API and what calls are necessary to send and receive data through the
DILs. DILette communicates with the Newton SoupDrink package.
Mini-MetaData consists of two applications (one
for MacOS, one for Windows) and a Newton package which demonstrate usage of the DILs.
Developers can register a meta-data frame on the Newton. This meta-data frame will be used
to format data from a soup before it is sent to the desktop. The desktop application
simply dumps incoming data to a text file.
SoupDrink consists of two desktop applications
(one for MacOS, one for Windows) and a Newton package which demonstrate usage of the DILs.
The Newton package uses normal Endpoint comms, and isn't strictly a DIL sample... but it
is the "other half" of the MacOS and Windows applications.
SoupDrink consists of two applications (one for
MacOS, one for Windows) and a Newton package which demonstrate usage of the DILs. The
Newton package uses normal Endpoint comms, and isn't strictly a DIL sample... but it is
the "other half" of the Mac and Windows applications.
SoupDrink consists of two desktop applications
(one for MacOS, one for Windows) and a Newton package which demonstrate usage of the DILs.
The Newton package uses normal Endpoint comms, and isn't strictly a DIL sample... but it
is the "other half" of the MacOS and Windows applications.
This project demonstrates the 2.0 DILs: CDIL,
FDIL, and PDIL, and a basic user interface framework for Windows and Mac OS that could be
used for a basic synchronization and for DIL application debugging.