1.1.4 adds a small button on the backdrop application's status bar. The button shows the
percentage of power remaining in your battery pack as well as the charging status if the
AC adapter is plugged in. The latest version includes some new features. The
PowerOff 1.1.4 button will now display the current temperature in degrees F. Clicking a
second time will show the message "off" which will turn off the Newton if
clicked. There's a 5 second delay between states of the button. For instance, if you
clicked twice on the battery level display to show "off", waiting 5 seconds will
return you to the default battery display. Credit: Herb Otto.
Time to order the wine for dinner, but you can't
remember what wine you like? Turn to WineCellar. WineCellar will keep track of the
wines you have tried or the wines you have in stock so you know exactly what wine you
prefer and what wine should be left on the bottom shelf. Credit: Catamount Software.
is an extension to the preferences roll. After installing you can change the countries
existing in the Newton OS, or add new countries. Countries is $10 shareware.
Before registration, changes are not saved. Credit: Softwarebüro Müller.
Pocket Money is Catamount's award winning
bookkeeping software. This versatile package offers several plug ins, compatibility with
many other expense related packages and more! Improvements in PocketMoney version 2.1.6:
Fixes the -48807 bug that some users were experiencing when deleting an account
that had a Custom Filter named the same as the account being deleted. Both the account and
custom filter will be deleted correctly now. Some features in this
financial managment software version include quick entering of transactions with
PocketButton. Support for the following other Newton packages: MPG, Bills To Pay,
ExpensePlus, Register, and CheckPlease. Print transactions sheets. Split transactions
Import into Quicken, MS Money, MacMoney, MYM and other desktop applications with
ExCHANGGE/WildCat. Foreign language support for: German, French, Italian, Japanese
enabler, and Russian enabler.
Credit: Catamount Software.
Pocket Money is Catamount's award winning
bookkeeping software. This versatile package offers several plug ins, compatibility with
many other expense related packages and more! Improvements in PocketMoney version 2.1.6:
Fixes the -48807 bug that some users were experiencing when deleting an account
that had a Custom Filter named the same as the account being deleted. Both the account and
custom filter will be deleted correctly now. PocketMoney is an personal financial manager
for the Newton. You can setup savings, checking, credit card, loan and frequent flyer
accounts. Import and Export to your favorite desktop application (Quicken, MYM, Excel and
more...) Credit: Catamount Software.
New to the Sports Schedule Pro Family: SSP
Team Stats Add Ons 1.2 for compiling and viewing your favorite team's stats! Sports
Schedule Pro 1.23 and companion schedules help Newton users keep track of their favorite
league's games. Included below are various game league schedules. The latest version of
Sports Schedule Pro includes schedule filtering and tv listing features.
SSP Schedule Maker 1.1 allows users to make their
own sports schedules for SSP! The SSP Schedule Maker is a potential favorite of coaches
everywhere - amateur and professional. Below, Sports Schedule Pro 1.23
(Freeware) , various game league schedules, the SSP Schedule Maker 1.1 (30 day shareware)
and the latest addition, SSP Team Stats Add Ons 1.2 (shareware). Credit: Mark A.
Newt'sWeather allows Newton users to access
weather information by talking to Internet weather servers via NIE. When used in
conjunction with Newt's Cape, users may view graphical weather maps. This shareware
is in beta stage and is limited to viewing Philadelphia's weather only. Registered
software is not limited. The latest version includes several new fixes, and a
previous update improved MacinTalk compatibility and added minor fixes. Credit: Serg
After installing this little application, you can
change some undocumented options - like freeze - on Newton 2.x systems. The latest
update includes more flexible battery low warnings. A full features list includes
the ability to: change the amount of the subsequently correctable words, set the number of
clipboards to more than one, activate Freezing to save heap space, set Undo-Redo default
instead of Undo-Undo, close Extras always after opening. NOTE: After
installing you can find Options in the extras folder "Setup" by tapping
"Preferences". Credit: Softwarebüro Müller.
Formula is a set of packages which allows Newton
users to create basic equations using text or a drag-n-drop palette of symbols. The
results are graphically formatted equations, that can be used in Notes, Works, or any
document that allows graphic input. Formula works by taking text and parsing it to create
the formulated expression. For example, the sentence "integrate(a,b) x^2 dx" is
converted by Formula into the graphical expression. Although Formula still does not
provide hand-written recognition of symbols, this text-entry method is quite flexible and
powerful. It supports integrals, summations, superscripts (for exponents), subscripts, and
various other symbols. The palette display an example of all symbols which you can
drag-n-drop onto the Formula view. It is useful for rapid prototyping of equations,
because it can generate the basic pattern for the equation. Formula comes with two
packages - one is for use with Newton Works and the other for the native Notes
application. Both feature a formula view, equations saved in Notes automatically,
formulas resizing, formulas copying to the clipboard and the ability to paste the Formula
anywhere.NOS 2.1 users can include formatted equations in documents for printing, faxing,
email, and even beaming. Equations will even correctly export as images through NCU to
desktop word-processors. Forumla is still in beta, and developers should contact Sine of
the Times before including Forumla in a commercial release. Credit: Sine of the Times.
Link sounds to actions and events. Get
feedback from sounds (ie. finished faxing) Events include: Beaming, Faxing, and Finding,
Adjust individual volumes, Compatible with Sound Icons by deep focus designs,
Includes Help book, NewtonID aware but not required. Compatibility with eMate and
Newton system volume has been added. Developer's note: Delete old preferences before
installing the new version. At this time it appears that Sound Off! is incompatible with
the German MP2100 with System ROM D-2.1 (747260)-1. Credit: deep focus
The SBM Utilities for Newton is a collection of tools primarily for
developers, but some - like Backup and Restore - are useful for everyone. This product has
been significantly enhanced after a thirteen part beta program. Checking out the
documentation before use is highly recommended. Also available below: Icon Editor
beta for use with SBM Utilities. Credit: Softwarebüro Müller.
Calc++ and MiniCalc++ Version 4.8 - Two fast scientific calculators for
Newton platform devices. (Functionality includes 2.0 compatibility and enhanced
compatibility with German Newtons.) The most recent version added a date calculator,
"Date++". 18 scientific constants. Includes speed of light, Plancks, Boltzmann,
etc. Tape - Recording tape available for copying old equations and results to the
clipboard. (Tape will not be available in Minicalc++.) Round (RND) Round numbers to the
nearest whole number and more! The developer, Dr. Gerard Hammond, has decided not to
continue development given the discontinuation of the NOS, but has released a universal
registration number as an Easter gift to the Newton Community. To register Calc ++
4.8, enter 95555.
Visual Phone (aka Video Phone) is a shared whiteboard application
for Newton devices. Using either a modem or an infrared (beaming) link, two Newtons can
share one virtual whiteboard to conduct discussions, etc. Very handy during meetings or
for illustrating a point to a user in a remote location. Shareware version requires
registration after one use. Credit: Paragon Newton Division paragon.rus@g23.relcom.ru
Deep Green is considered the best chess-playing program for the Newton
platform, will an 80 opening-move dictionary, selectable difficulty levels, and the
ability to play itself as well as a human. Feature-complete beta version (expires 7/1/98).