Our January spotlight focused on several new releases and significant updates like the
Field Worker Demo, PaperBoy and N*Project. Many of the software packages listed in
our January file reflect a major upgrade followed quickly by small updates and bug fixes
from the developers within the month, including PocketDiabetiCare, Sports Schedule
Pro and Maker, Chat Buddy and i++. Quick updates and fixes are generally a sign of
the developer's continuing attention and responsiveness to a project, rather than a sign
of problems within a package. Some packages originally debuted in January but were
re-released in later months. |
Works: Merge is a mail merge tool for the
NewtWorks application. With easy to use features like toolbar driven place holders for
field insertion and direct selection from the Names file, Newton users will find this tool
the perfect companion for creating mailing list style publications. Works: Merge is for
use with NewtWorks running on an MP2000 with Newton OS 2.x. The demo version is 30 day
trial shareware with a registration fee of $24.95. This software product may be ordered
online from www.standalone.com. Credit: Stand Alone, Inc.
With WittyKeys for Newton OS2.1, Newton users have the ability to define
their own key commands and shortcuts. For instance, users may switch between apps on their
Newton with the traditional Alt+Tab or open Dates quickly with Command+D. Witty Keys
includes functionality to bring up backlighting, power on/off, open extras folders and
more! Credit: Thorsten Lange.
NewtToDo 1.01 is a full-featured to-do list application designed to help
Newton users manage task lists more efficiently. This package includes extensive
customization options and several unique features. Credit: Adam Tow of Foundation Systems.
NewtonID 2.0 is the latest release of Foundation Systems'
developer-friendly Universal Newton ID software to help developers help users register
software more easily while thwarting piracy. Credit: Adam Tow of Foundation Systems.
IfFound is a simple application which produces a
tap-dismiss Owner Info screen which runs on startup. The idea is not to provide a security
layer similar to PIN entry, but to help your Newton find its way home should you lose it.
The author has released this package as a fully functional software version and requests a
$5.00 donation if you find the product useful. Credit: Arnold Kim of Nemesis Productions.
Writer's Keyboard provides the quick menu you've always wanted. The
small window app provides a link to the standard on-screen keyboard, common punctuation
and two user definable keys! The author has released this package as a fully functional
software version and requests a $5.00 donation if you find the product useful. Credit:
Arnold Kim of Nemesis Productions.
Stock Calculator for comes with handy user setup options and includes
full buy/sell/commission calculation options. Stock Calculator is currently
available from System Support Products for a registration fee of $15 and may be registered
via Kagi. More information
is available at SSPI's website. Credit: System Support Products, Inc..
ShowMate 2 allows Newton users total home
audio/video control. ShowMate takes advantage of the Newton's infrared port to communicate
with CD players, video players and any other standard IrDA port accesible home
entertainment device. ShowMate supports most major equipment brands including Sony,
Panasonic, Philips and JVC. Built in alarm functionality can turns a Newton into a
sophisticated manager of audio & video equipment. With ShowMate Alarms Newton users
can easily activate and use equipment at
pre-determined times. Credit: Sine of the Times.
i++ 2.00e - for Newton with OS2.0. With i++ you can extend/customize the
menu shown when tapping an i-Button. Menu items can be included to open applications
(without opening extras, frozen packages are activated on the fly and refrozen after
usage) or to invoke other special actions (like changing the screen orientation, switching
default store, backlight control, reporting battery/memory status. Credit: Thorsten
EasyConnect 2.0 is a MessagePad terminal emulator
for Newton OS 2.0. Easy Connect offers easy to use standard TTY and ANSI based emulation.
Martinez's terminal emulator is one of the most full-featured products in its class. Both
modem and serial connections and a local echo option are suppored in the latest version!
Credit: Andres Martinez.
QuickPress offers Newton and Macintosh users the
ability to directly exchange text between a Newton and Macintosh desktop with drag and
drop ease. The product offers full text exhange capability including Notes, URLs, and
NewtonWorks. QuickPress 1.4 is for use on Newtons running NOS 2.0 and requires a
serial connection, serial tool or/and ADSP tool. Credit: Avanti Software.
Expected Release Date for
Windows 95/NT Systems: March 1998
qpkit14.hqx 317k
Paperboy is a fully featured USENET news reader for Newton OS 2.x.
A wide range of functionality includes search, editing of queued mail, import of
Notes and more! Credit: Stand Alone Software.
Tibet is an image capture and broadcast system
which allows Newton users to email and send picture updates on the fly using a Newton MP
2x00 or eMate. With a corporate version for photojournalists, Tibet includes the ability
to publish updates to webservers or to online databases for website updating. Web publish
database compatibility includes Oracle, SQL, 4th Dimension and Filemaker. Users may even
use database search capabilities or ask Compass Information Systems for a custom search
option for expanded in-field scientific application. As of the release of this demo
version, Tibet works with AGFA cameras.Credit: Compass Information Systems.
ChatBuddy 1.60 is a full IRC client for the Newton. This update corrects
a number of bugs in previous versions of the software, as well as adding a
"minimize" button and some additional commands. ChatBuddy requires Newton OS 2.0
and runs on MP130, MP2000, MP2100, and eMate 300 devices. While its not required, using
NIE 2.0 is recommended, as well.
ChatBuddy supports most IRC commands and is compatible with almost all IRC servers. It
features features resizeable windows, parental controls, full keyboard support, and allows
connections to both multiple channels and multiple servers. It also supports DCC (direct
client connection) transmits and receives of messages and files during IRC sessions for
collaborating with others.
LectraRef is a database of chip and connector
pinouts for Newton devices. The LectraRef database lightens the load for Newton users who
need to carry databooks info the field. LectraRef contains pinouts on chips ranging from
dirt-common (74 series logic) to amazingly rare (CBM VIC multifunction ASIC). Credit:
Lewin A.R.W. Edwards
After installing this little application, you can
change some undocumented options - like freeze - on Newton 2.x systems. A full
features list includes the ability to: change the amount of the subsequently correctable
words, set the number of clipboards to more than one, activate Freezing to save heap
space, set Undo-Redo default instead of Undo-Undo, close Extras always after opening.
NOTE: After installing you can find Options in the extras folder
"Setup" by tapping "Preferences". Credit: Softwarebüro Müller.
The SBM Utilities for Newton is a collection of tools primarily for
developers, but some - like Backup and Restore - are useful for everyone. Please make a
backup before are correcting any error, correct every error singly and check after
correcting if the soup/package will work properly. Please note: Even if the SBM Utilties
will be relative stable today, it's still a beta version and we need your help to find and
correct the existing bugs. Checking out the documentation before use is highly
recommended. Also available below: Icon Editor beta for use with SBM
Utilities. Credit: Softwarebüro
The latest in Prism Research's math and physics
applications, MathLib is an advanced math and stats routine library exportable to any
Newton Script application. nsScribe is a NewtonScript tool which allows users to insert
the answer to any NewtonScript question, similar to the Inspector in NTK, into a note or
document via the Assist button or NewtonWorks tool. For more product information,
visit Prism Research. Credit: Jonathan Kipling Knight of Prism Research.
TimeTrax offers an expanded
overview, and more flexible appointment generation along with improved interface -- more
information, more quickly. Users may associate event entries with a symbol denoting the
type of event, whether birthday, meeting or holiday. Instead of short titles, users may
enter multiple lines of description for an event, without having to link to Notepad to
display expanded information. Time limited shareware. Credit: Config eG.
N*Project Pro, a fully Newton
integrated project management system, compatible with many popular desktop MPX
import/export capable PM systems. 15 day shareware. Credit: Nomadic Technologies.
With NewtDevEnv, Newton users may develop
applications using NewtonScript and save the resulting packages directly on the Newton.
Although Apple's Newton ToolKit has become available for free, Newt 3.4 allows for
portable or more direct prototyping. See Steve Weyer's website for registration info
and complete documentation. Credit: Steve Weyer
Nflight has been released as an early preview
version for the purposes of user feedback developers. Nflight a 3D, real-time,
vector graphics flight simulator for the Newton MessagePad 2000 series. Loosely based on
the early 1980's "FS-1" flight simulator from SubLogic, Nflight features 3D
movement above an 8x8 world grid with a 2D mountain range along one edge and 2 runways.
New features include sound, selectable world scenarios (some with fog), simple VOR
navigation to and from runways, refueling, enhanced
control stick buttons, and more. While this product is pre-beta it is functional enough
for gameplay use. Credit: Lee Moon.
Pocket DiabetiCare 2.0b6 - Pocket DiabetiCare is a application for the
Newton PDA. It was developed as a means to capture blood sugar readings and analyze this
infomation as it occurs. It is only meant as a tool to aid in analyzing data, not a
replacement for the advice of your doctor. Latest beta includes printing support,
charting fixes and improved averages in which 0 readings are no longer included. Credit:
Tactile Systems.
Sports Schedule Pro 1.16 and companion schedules
help Newton users keep track of their favorite league's games. Included with Sports
Schedule Maker are schedules for the NHL, NFL or NBA. The latest version includes schedule
filtering and tv listing features. The newly released product, SSP Schedule Maker 1.05,
takes SSP one step further: it allows users to make their own sports schedules for SSP!
The SSP Schedule Maker is a potential favorite of coaches everywhere - amateur and
professional. Below, Sports Schedule Pro 1.16 (Freeware) , the NBA and NHL
schedules and SSP Schedule Maker 1.05 (30 day shareware.) Credit: Mark A.
The FieldWorker Basic Demo software allows you to
create up to 2 projects with 5 screens each and permits readings of up to 4 stations.
Sample projects with data are included to illustrate FieldWorker's capabilities.
Note: In order to connect the GPS receiver to your Newton serial port, (to capture GPS
signals) you must provide your own cable. FieldWorker GPS cables are provided with the
purchase of any full version of the software. Demos of the Advanced and Pro versions
of this package are available from the developer. Credit: FieldWorker Products.