1984 Newton Movie - here's the old Apple TV
commercial, "1984" converted to a Newton Movie. Note that this is a VERY large
application (2.3 MB on the Newton) and runs only on a MessagePad 2000/2100 or eMate 300.
This Newton Movie has a black and white video track and an integrated audio track.
Credit: Lee Moon.
The Dancing Baby Movie illustrates a certain
neurotic Boston lawyer's biological clock inspired nemesis. The author includes a
nod to Lee Moon for his coding assistance. Credit: Arnold Kim, Nemesis Productions.
Graphical demo of rotating Newton logo. Processor
intensive - so MP2x00 required. Credit: Nemesis Productions.
Lost In Space Newton Movie - here's the
theatrical trailer for the new "Lost In Space" movie converted to a Newton
movie. Note that this is a VERY large application (1.6 MB on the Newton) and runs only on
a MessagePad 2000/2100 or eMate 300. This Newton Movie has a black and white video track
and an integrated audio track. Credit: Lee Moon.
Simpsons 2000 Newton Movie- here's the Simpson's
Newton Movie updated for the MessagePad 2000/2100 and eMate 300. This Newton Movie has a
16 gray video track and an integrated audio track. This version replaces the previous
Simpsons 2000 movie. Credit: Lee Moon.
Invite those charming tykes from SouthPark to
celebrate XMas on your Newton! This file is about 2M on your Newton, but worth the
download. Credit: Arnold Kim, Nemesis Productions.
Think Different Newton Movie - here's the new
Apple TV commercial, "Think Different" converted to a Newton Movie. Note that
this is a VERY large application (1.5 MB on the Newton) and runs only on a MessagePad
2000/2100 or eMate 300. This Newton Movie has a 4 gray video track and an integrated audio
track. This version replaces the previous Think Different movie. Credit: Lee Moon.