Part 2 of 2
PageNOW! 1.0 -for Newton Demo. Following the August Macworld Debut of
PageNOW! for Newton, Mark/Space is pleased to announce the availablity of a demo version.
As with the retail product, the demo version. It sends messages via modem equipped Newton
from Newton Out Box. Receives messages via Socket PageCard into Newton In Box. Work with
unlimited pagers and services. Is fully integrated with (and requires) Newton OS 2.0. Some
advanced features include - Works as a transport - send a page from any Newton app that
can route text! Splits long messages on send. Re-combines long messages when received into
a single note. Optional greeting/signature attachment to outgoing messages. Quick access
menu optionally installed in Note Pad Performs Names lookup on received numeric pages.
Automatically scans PageCard for new messages when it is inserted PageNOW! for Newton
requires Newton OS 2.0. A modem is required to send messages. A Socket PageCard is
required to receive messages. PageNOW! forNewton has an SRP of $79.95, and is available in
1, 5, and 10 packs. Contact sales@markspace.com for more information.
Paging Transport - This is an extension that installs a communications
transport which can be used with most paging services (SkyTel, MobileComm, etc..) using
Telecator Access Protocol (TAP). It can also read messages from the Socket Communications
PageCard. Some of the other features include: 1) The ability to poll the pager for new
messages. 2) A backdrop application button (in the status bar) for easy access to checking
your messages on the pager. 3) CardFile (Names) lookup. When a message comes in with just
a phone number, the number is matched against phone number combinations found in the Names
soup. If a match is found, useful information from the Names entry is added to the message
and displayed. 4) Page sending and receiving.
PM288MT - This folder contains a modem setup for the Practical
Peripherals 28'8 MT for use with Modem Enabler 1.0 (and later?) of the Newton(tm) and this
document. Please install Apple Modem Enabler 1.0(or later?) for Newton. After you
installed Modem Enabler,then you can install the setup package. Once the setup is
installed, go to the Modem preference and select the PM288MT item from the "Connect
with" pop-up. That's it, now faxing and Newton email will use your Practical
Peripherals 28'8 MT. This modem setup is freeware.
PocketCall 1.0 Demo - PocketCall is the intelligent communications
assistant for all personal digital assistants. As a full-featured communications
application for Newton, PocketCall will allow you to use any Hayes compatible modem
(including both external and PCMCIA-internal devices) to dial into any text-based online
system. PocketCall allows you to set up multiple 'service' files, storing communications
settings, logon sequences and scripts for each one. TTY terminal emulation with with a
virtual 80 column screen lets you function in the same way as you would with a desktop
terminal or communications program. Lots more features. This demo gives you a feel of the
program, but you can't do anything with it.
USRSport - This folder contains a modem setup for the external USR
Sportster modem for use with Version 1.0 (and later?) of the Newton(tm) modem enabler. It
should work with both the PC version and the Mac & Fax version of the modem. I believe
that it will work with the USR Courier modems. Install the modem enabler (found at the
usual ftp sites) using the provided instructions. After the modem enabler is installed you
can install various modem setups. This file contains a setup for the USR Sportster modem
and will add a line to the "Connect with" and "Remove Modem Setup"
items in the modem preferences. Now faxing and newton email will use your external USR
Sportster modem.
YAPI 1.02 - YAPI is a Newton application that transfers packages to the
Newton using the Xmodem protocol. Since it does not require MNP or AppleTalk, as other
package downloaders do, packages can be sent from communications software available on
most PCs and workstations. Connect a cable between the host and the Newton (more about
cables below). Start the comms software on the host (PROCOMM, Zterm, sb, ..., whatever can
do Xmodem). Setup the comms software to do Xmodem transfers with 128 byte blocks and
checksum error detection. Initiate the Xmodem transfer on the host, then click on the
"Download" button in the YAPI window on the Newton. There is a progress bar in
the YAPI window that gives a rough estimate of the download progress.
ZyXEL - This folder contains a modem setup for the external ZyXEL modem
for use with Version 1.0 (and later?) of the Newton(tm) modem enabler. I believe that it
will work with the Newton Mail but I have no confirmation of that as of yet. I'm pretty
sure that it will not allow you to fax because of an incompatibility. The Newton requires
Class 1 Fax commands and the ZyXEL doesn't seem to support these. If you get faxing to
work I would appreciate some email so that I can update the documentation. After the modem
enabler is installed you can install various modem setups. This file contains a setup for
the ZyXEL modem and will add a line to the "Connect with" and "Remove Modem
Setup" items in the modem preferences.