Part 3 of 3
MailJam - This removes the mail items from the Newton's internal queue
that the Newton still thinks it needs to download. If you break the receiving mail
connection in the middle of a large file the Newton keeps track of this and wants to help
you out by starting off where it left off the last time. This can become a problem
especially if it is a very large file and you are using a MP0 or MP100 with very limited
internal ram. So, this package will remove the items from the Newton queue so that you can
download the next message.
MailPhones 0.9 - MailPhones maintains a soup of NewtonMail access
telephone numbers and allows you to change your current access number easily. When the app
starts up for the first time it looks for your current location and NewtonMail access
telephone number (as set in Time Zones and Prefs) and creates a soup with those items as
the only entry. Perhaps it is an unjustified assumption that the two go together, but you
can edit either or both if you need to. After the first time that MailPhones starts up, it
checks the list of cities and local access numbers that you've told it about and displays
the city name (if it knows it) that goes with the telephone number that's currently
specified for NewtonMail.
MailSaver 1.41 - MailSaver is a one-stop NewtonMail assistant. It gives
you access to your inbox, outbox, sprintnet access number (including keeping a list of
your frequently used access numbers). It can put away mail enclosures, save the text of a
message to a new notepad entry, and strip internet routing headers from messages before
saving them. MailSaver is shareware. Please give it a try, tell me what you think, pass it
on, and register your copy (if you use it, which i'm sure you will). Copyright 1993-94 by
Simeon Leifer.
MailTime 1.0 - Okay, so you got your Newton and modem to have Email
access. Great! But wouldn't it be nice if you could automate mail sending and receiving?
How about the ability to send and receive mail without being around your Newt? Just tell
it what time and how often to check; ...once per day? ...every 12 hours? ...etc. That's
what MailTime does. It allows unattended "sessions" for checking and sending
mail using NewtonMail and/or Aloha. It even wakes up a sleeping Newton, transfers the
mail, then the Newton will fall fast asleep. Oh yea, it's Freeware! You gotta love it!
NIE is networking software that runs allows
Newton users to connect to the Internet and TCP/IP-based intranets. NIE supports either a
modem-based dial-up connection (e.g. from an Internet Service Provider) or a LAN-based
connection (e.g. an ethernet or LocalTalk network).Users will use NIE in conjunction with
Internet applications such as a web browser, e-mail software, or other internet
application software.
NIE is networking software that runs allows Newton users to connect to the Internet and
TCP/IP-based intranets. NIE supports either a modem-based dial-up connection (e.g. from an
Internet Service Provider) or a LAN-based connection (e.g. an ethernet or LocalTalk
network). NIE is to be used in conjunction with Internet applications such as a web
browser, e-mail software, or other internet application software.
Post Office 2.0 - Post Office allows you to maintain, and switch between
sets of NewtonMail locations and access numbers. It came about because I do a lot of
commuting and I got tired of manually changing the NewtonMail phone number every morning
and switching it back when I got home. To Run Post Office - Install on your MessagePad in
the normal way (NCK, NTK, Package Downloader, etc.) Open Extras drawer. Tap on the Post
Office icon. Read the online help for detailed use information. Post Office is a Newton
app developed using Steve Weyer's Newt development environment (ver 3.0).
PostOffice 3.0 - is an Aloha add-on package which allows you to easily
configure the phone access number for AmericaOnline access from Aloha. Aloha is the
AmericaOnline email solution by Catamount Software. PostOffice 3.0 is the ideal
configuration utility for those who travel extensively and need to frequently change
access numbers. PostOffice 3.0 allows you to select the network, state, city, and
local access number from listpickers. Once selected, PostOffice configures Aloha to
use the chosen settings. You no longer have to maintain notes, or access numbers in your
Names application. PostOffice is shareware $15.00 and includes online help.
PostOffice 3.0 is usable on NewtonŽ OS2.0 only.
Sayonara eWorld!.pkg - eWorld was shut down on March 31, 1996.in your
Newton? This small auto part will kill the eWorld mail client. You'll never see eWorld
selective on your mail slip. If, for some reason, you need eWorld client AFTER you install
Sayonara eWorld!, just remove this package and then restart your Newton. Requires Newton
OS 2.0 with eWorld client installed.
SimpleMail is a Newton e-mail transport that lets
you send and receive messages over the internet using POP/SMTP. It uses the Newton
Internet Enabler (NIE 1.1 or NIE 2.0), so it will only work with Newton 2.0 or better. See
the included version history for new update features. It works with MP120, MP130, MP2000
and eMate. It's compact, taking up only 116K storage space. Best of all, SimpleMail is
free! Credit: Simon Bell.
TekIO 1.1 Demo - TekIO is a "faceless" application that
facilitates text import/export via the serial port for the Notepad application - Exporting
text - connect the serial cable, startup the receiving software, select "Text
out" in the Notepad's Action menu. That's it! The serial port parameters are not
configurable; they are 9600-N-8-1 with software flow control. TekIO may conflict with
other Newton applications that hack the Notepad's Action Menu. TekIO will play the
"crumple" sound after it finishes importing/exporting text and is closing the
connection. Don't send large ( > 4kbyte ) text files, they seem to break the Notepad