Part 1 of 3
Aloha is a Newton email client to access America Online (AOL).
Requirements - Newton 1.3, most modems should work when properly configured. America
Online account : you must have an existing AOL account for Aloha to access. Features -
Send mail to AOL. Receive mail from AOL. Works with any Newton package that supports text
mail messages. Works with multiple AOL accounts. Credit: Catamount Software
Aloha is an email client for Newton PDAs that uploads and downloads
email from America Online. Performs flash
email session to AOL, access multiple AOL accounts, save multiple access numbers.
SprintNet, AOLNet, AOLGlobalNet, and AOL's 800 number networks supported. Features
an auto scheduler, return receipt and works with cellular and landline modems. Connect at
speeds up to 28,800 baud, filter incoming messages on title or email address, set internet
style signature to all out going messages. This latest version fixes a scrolling bug.
14 day demo. Credit: Catamount Software.
AlohaDocs 222 - in NewtonBook format. If you are beaming Aloha.pkg to
other users then please beam the documentation along with it.
Black Labs Email Clients FAQ - This is a text file which includes FAQs
(Frequently Asked Questions) and answers about FirstClass Retriever+ and CIS Retriever.
Rev 0.7, 9/25/95.
CompuServe Mail for Newton 1.0.2 - January 6, 1997. This package adds
CompuServe mail functionality on Newton MessagePads running Newton OS 2.0. Requires Newton
OS 2.0 or later. German Newton OS customers should install the German version of this
software. This software will decompress into a package or .PKG file. Use any package
installer (for example Newton Backup Utility) to load the software on your MessagePad. The
software appears a new menu option in your In Box and Out Box. Version 1.02 of CompuServe
Mail for Newton 2.0 fixes the following problems: 1. The login process hangs when using
access numbers in Australia and Hong Kong. 2. If your mail font is large, you are unable
to view the last part of large messages in the inbox.
CIS Retriever Demo 1.12 - CIS Retriever is a Newton Client for
Compuserve, by Black Labs, Inc. With CIS Retriever, you can access CompuServe mail,
forums, news and stock quotes right from your Newton. Being a demo version, a few
functions have been disabled such as the ability to keep and send messages. You are able
to log on to CompuServe, browse the CIS Retriever areas, keep the first message of a forum
section, and create new essages. Documentation is in text format.
Email Services 1.0 - Email Services saves you time entering email
addresses and memory by letting you expand the email services the Newton OS knows about.
So you can add your site to the popup list. For example, add a new "Catamount"
service that will append "@catamount.com" to every outgoing email address. If
you are at a large site this can be very useful saving data entry time and storage space.
Imagine only having to select "Nifty" out of the email popup instead of writing
out "@niftyserve.or.jp".
ENotes 1.6b1 - The latest version of the fully featured Internet email
client for Apple Newton personal digital assistants. eNotes is a program for your Newton
MessagePad that can connect to a UNIX host via modem or serial line and send or receive
Internet mail. It also provides a nice interface for reading, sending and organsing your
mail. FEATURES - Simple login scripting for connecting to your internet service provider
Clear and easy to use interface, Smart text wrapping to overcome the Newton's small screen
width Full threading of email items with the same subjects, Runs at up to 57,600 bps with
MNP error correction, Works with GSM mobile phones with the appropriate hardware
connectors. In short it's the most functional email system for handheld computers today.
eNotes 2.0 - Development Release 1 is available for interested Newton
users. eNotes is a family of email solutions for the Apple Newton devices and the first
member of the eNotes 2.0 family is an email client for SMTP/POP3 internet email systems
using the Apple Newton Internet Enabler software. This software is a development release
of eNotes, and as such, is not yet complete nor ready for serious testing. It is being
made freely available to give a preview of what is to become the smallest memory
footprint, simplest and most powerful email system for Newton OS2. We strongly discourage
you from using it as your main email software. We recommend you continue to use eNotes
1.6. eNotes 2.0 is specifically designed for Newton devices running version 2.0 of the
operating system and the Internet Enabler software. At this stage, we only recommend the
MP130 for running NIE and therefore eNotes.