2x2 - by Donald W. Miller, Jr., M.D. This is a simple, no frills
application that will calculate predictive values and likelihood ratios from patient data,
sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic tests. It is also helpful in demonstrating the
interaction between prevalence and sensitivity, specificity. 2x2 works with Newton OS 1.x
and 2.0.
Critical Care - Current Clinical Strategies, Critical Care Medicine -
ERLI Electronic Reference Libraries are complete, unedited electronic versions of the
printed paper books. Every effort has been taken to make using ERLI's Electronic Reference
Libraries both fast and simple. The Critical Care reference is a fully functional
commercial product from the line of Current Clinical Strategies Series. It is neither
Freeware nor Shareware. ERLI retains all rights to the application. It is placed as a
demonstration of our line of references. It cannot be sold or made available for download
without our consent, but is included here with permission. Contact them 1-800-575-ERLI.
This NewtonBook will be helpful for any Critical Care doctor!
Drug Finder 1.12 - Upon starting the program you are faced with a list
of drugs (if you properly installed the drugSoup). To display a particular drug
information, just tap on the drug, or navigate up and down the list by tapping on the
appropriate arrow on the lower portion of the Newton. You can also enter new drug
information by tapping on the New button on the lower left portion of the screen. This
will bring you into the Rx Editor where you can enter drug information which you desire.
You also have the option of tapping on the About box which will display information about
the program, its author, and the current version number. One soup (database) is provided
for evaluation. This is not a complete database.
The JFP Journal club is designed to assist primary care physicians in
deciding whether the results of research should change the way they practice. This is the
April 1996 journal.
LexiDrugs98 is a drug database with over 1000
monographs covering over 5000 drugs in use in the United States, Mexico and Canada.
LexiDrugs98 isn't just a list of drugs, it's a fully referenced package including over 20
topics for each pharmaceutical agent including dose, toxicology, nursing care,
interactions and many more. Credit: K2 Consultants.
RxOnTap - Prescriptions on Tap - Rapid Prescription Writer for the
Newton MessagePad. Rx on Tap is a timesaving program for the Newton MessagePad and Sharp
ExpertPad. Using Rx on Tap, any given prescription, no matter how complicated, is only a
few pen taps away. No longer will you have to scribble out those complicated instructions
for tapering a medication over the course of weeks. No more phone calls from the
pharmacist who is trying to decipher your hieroglyphics. Rx on tap also incorporates a
weight based dosage calculator and notes. This version of Rx on Tap will work for 21 days
unless registered.
Sign - Sign is a Newton application that contains pictures for the
american sign language finger alphabet. In its current incarnation, it is most useful for
reference. The author may add the ability to for the user to write in words and have
Newton sign them.
VI Medical Calculator - We hope you agree with us that it is the most
complete and easy-to-use medical calculator available for Newton. We have made every
effort to insure that the VI Medical Calculator is accurate and bug free. The Virtual
Intern Medical Calculator is a freeware companion to our Virtual Intern medical
information management package for the Newton. Virtual Intern is a fully-featured
information manager specifically designed by physicians to meet the needs of medical
professionals. Virtual Intern improves the efficiency and accuracy of your work helping
you organize patient face sheet and medical data, to-do tasks, visit/procedure/billing,
automated medical note generation and prescription assistance information in ways that
paper cannot.