Part 4 of 4
TapBoard - This program includes three games for
the Newton - Tic tac toe, Gomoku (try to get five in a row) and Reversi. Just load it, and
play away. If you don't know how to play these games, instructions for each are included.
TicTacToe 0.3 - A simple Tic-Tac-Toe program.
I've discovered that young kids really like the Newton, but there isn't much for them to
do on it. This app is just for fun, and uses some visual and sound effects to spice things
up. Play Human vs. Newt, Human vs. Dumb Newt or Human vs. Human, also choose how to erase
the board - with smoke, or trash.
The classic "Tower of Hanoi" puzzle.
Move disks from one stack to another, or just watch the Newton solve it for you.
Source available to registered NewtDevEnv users. Credit: Steve Weyer.
WordGrid 2.0f1 - WordGrid is a game to find words
contained in a puzzle grid. To find a word, draw a single line on the grid connecting the
letters that make up the word. The line does not have to be straight (it can zig-zag and
cross) but must be made in a single stroke; you cannot lift the pen until you have
connected all the letters. There are two sets of puzzles. "Directed search"
puzzles, prompt you to find a word and "Free search", where you have to find all
of the words contained in a grid on your own. The free search game is a much more
interesting version of the game but can be difficult for WordGrid beginners. Directed
search (the default game) gives you words to find in a grid and you find them by drawing a
line over those letters in the grid.