Sean Luke's CharDict is a
dictionary of definitions, pronounciations, variants, and frequency for four thousand
basic Chinese Characters. CharDict is not a chinese word dictionary -- it is only a
character dictionary. CharDict is very easy to use. Just type a character in the input
field or drag and drop chinese text. This handy template guide even includes dialect
pronounciation keys! CharDict requires UniTaipeiX, a chinese font available for the Newton
(in the Newton it appears with the name "Taipei"). NOTE: This program has been
known to break other programs, most notably Newton Works. Make a backup before
installation. Credit: Sean Luke.
DicStar 1.0 is a specialized translation dictionary, with commercial and
general language. This international version covers Spanish-English and English-Spanish,
including business words. The standard system includes about 27.000 words (about 13.000
entries with multiple definitions for each language), fast searching and browsing,
Intelligent Assistant support, application launch from the NotePad with the possibility to
translate automatically the hilighted word, fast language switching and automatic reverse
of search. While unregistered the program works only with words that begins with the
letter "A".
PEC Business Japanese 1.06 - In essence, this is a compact interactive
language survival assistant that you can carry. All phrases are the shortest possible to
achieve the desired effect and are typical phrases that are used in business. We also
think that PEC Business Japanese Lessons can help build basic Japanese vocabulary for
beginning to intermediate Japanese students. The software itself is very simple, and it is
based on a flash-card model. You can go through all the phrases in the database or limit
them to the topics of interest - Transportation, Food, Lodging, General, Shopping,
Business and Emergency. Shareware.
PowerTrans E-2.01 - quick and easy translating and learning of
languages. PowerTrans the first electronic language translator with integrated Learn Mode
having the size of a pocket calculator. Since PowerTrans was developed for the Newton PDA,
you now have convenient access to foreign words while traveling. You can make use of your
time wherever you are, e.g. on a plane, in the bus or on the beach, to learn a foreign
language or increase your knowledge of a language. PowerTrans supports the simultaneous
use of several languages, which can be created by the user. In contrast to common pocket
translators, you can decide which languages and how many phrases you want to keep on your
Newton PDA. With an additional storage card you can at present keep up to 100,000 phrases
on your Newton PDA. Requires Newton OS 2.0 or higher.
Flagman 1.0 - This is a simple animation program for the Newton. All it
does is semaphore flag signalling. You write your message down, and it signals it for you.
Some people call it an educational program, and others call it useless. For those who
wanted to learn how to do flag signalling (like myself), this program is for you.
Enye 1.01 - is a Newton-compatible package designed for rapid look up of
translations from English to Spanish or Spanish to English. Additionally, it allows for
rapid entry of new translations with its built-in keyboard of accented characters. Eñye
works with the MessagePad's built-in Find feature in order to find translations while
Eñye is open, or when it isn't. In the future, Eñye will allow translation of complete
sentences via the MessagePad's Intelligent Assistance function. Eñye is US$ 10 shareware
and can be registered via Kagi Shareware. Both 1.x and 2.0 compatible.
PowerTrans 1.1 Deutsch - Package und Manual befinden sich in PowerTrans
1.1.sit Sprachdateien fuer PowerTrans (Woerterbuch und Vokabeltrainer): Deutsch-Englisch,
Englisch-Deutsch, Deutsch-Franzoesisch, Franzoesisch-Deutsch, Deutsch-Spanisch,
Spanisch-Deutsch. 1700 Woerter pro Sprache. Alle Woerter haben Grammatiktypen.
PWT11EN - For package and manual download PowerTrans 1.1.sit Language
files for PowerTrans (dictionary and vocabulary-trainer): English-French, French-English,
English-German, German-English, English-Spanish, Spanish-English. 1700 words per language
with translations and grammar types.
PWT11FR - For package and manual download PowerTrans 1.1.sit Language
files for PowerTrans (dictionary and vocabulary-trainer): French-English, English-French,
French-German, German-French, French-Spanish, Spanish-French. 1700 words per language with
translations and grammar types.
PWT11SP - Es necesario cargar pwt11.sit para paqueto y manual !!!
Fichero de datos Lenguas por PowerTrans (diccionario y vocabulario-entrenador):
Espanol-Ingles, Ingles-Espanol, Espanol-Aleman, Aleman-Espanol, Espanol-Frances,
Frances-Espanol. 1700 palabras por una lengua con traduccionas y tipos de gramatica.