A great cardfile system to help you learn faster and remember what you
Flash 1.0 - is a Newton 2.0 program that helps you improve your reading
rate & comprehension. Flash provides a variety of exercises designed to improve
reading habits, and includes on-line help which explains speed reading concepts and how to
use the program. Flash will flash words, letters, or pages of books (will automatically
open and scroll user installed Newton books). Users have a variety of control over the
flashing of words or letters and can also specify the rate at which books scroll. While
there are desktop applications that will allow you to learn and practice these techniques,
the Newton's "go anywhere" form factor and the ability to use your own Newton
books makes this software unique. Will expire 30 days from installation (if not
FlashCard 2.0b - is a software memorization tool aimed at people in a
scholastic environment, particularly people who would like to learn another language or
memorize equations, definitions, symbols, or dates. Using FlashCard is an excellent way to
prepare for a test. You can quiz yourself using both recall and recognition memory models.
FlashCard provides both multiple-choice and flip style quizzes. FlashCard gives you a
fast, fun way to review repetitive material and is easy to use. Trying to learn another
language? Studying for your medical exams? Keeping up to date on emergency procedures?
FlashCard is the answer! It's free! It's only 55K! Requires OS 2.0 or later.
FCX03E - FlashCard Transfer Utility - To import and export decks for
flashCard, you need FCX, the flashCard transfer utility. With FCX you can author text-only
decks on your desktop computer and download them to Newton. You can even upload text-only
flashCard decks already on Newton to archive them or share them with friends. Any graphics
in the question field of a card will be lost, but all text in the question can be
transfered. FCX supports cross-platform communications to any computer that can make a
simple serial connection. This includes Macintosh, MS DOS, Windows, OS/2, and many others.
Flash Cards for Newton - flashCard software (fC) is a memorization tool
aimed at people in a scholastic environment, particularly people who would like to learn
another language or memorize equations, definitions, or dates. Using fC is an excellent
way to prepare for a test. You can drill yourself on simple questions, one-at-a-time, from
the topic areas you have added. Each topic area has a minimum of five cards, but more can
be added. Cards reflect simple questions with definite, specific answers. fC gives you a
fast, fun way to review repetitive material. fC is easy to use, and encourages you to
enter new information.