Part 1 of 2
Appraisal - A data gathering application. This application enables the
user to quickly gather opinions or observed data and record it as a series of
observations. The Data is stored as a soup and should be resistant to Resets and other
small problems. This version has the titles and comments set in the application, the real
version will have the ability to edit and save changes to most of the text that appears on
the screen, ie the questions etc. This application can be used to monitor childrens
progress, small opinion polls, job progress, etc. Data can be either modified and / or
added to. The modification Time and Date is saved and displayed. The Exported Data file
will be a TAB delimited text file. This is a demo.
CallLogger 0.6 - This app will create Notes on the Notepad any time you
use the Newton's Intelligent Assistance "Call" function. Simply use the Call
function as usual and CallLogger will automagically create a new Note for you on the
Notepad. CallLogger does not appear in the Extras drawer or anywhere else. You'll only see
the results of it's actions. All CallLogger Notes are filed in the same folder as the item
currently visible on your NotePad. So if the current item there is filed in
"Shareware Fees to Bill" then the next CallLogger Note will use that Folder,
too. CallLogger will also look for a folder named "Calls". If you create a
folder with this name, CallLogger will place the notes in that folder instead. Expires 30
days after you install it.
DateMan for 1.x - is a fully integrated Date Management system. It
offers complete control over all aspects of your schedule, from calls to meetings to your
To Do list. The main goal of DateMan is to present your schedule to you in a clean,
uncluttered fashion, giving you the most amount of information in the least amount of
time. It does this using the Main Agenda view, which lists every item on your schedule,
over any length of time. This lets you plan your upcoming events with precision, always
knowing what's around the corner. Another focus of DateMan is customizability. We want
DateMan to work around you, rather than your having to adjust to it. To this end, we've
made just about every aspect of the application configurable. If you don't like the way a
feature is implemented, chances are that it's got other options, configurable via the
preferences. Since very few things in your life are isolated, DateMan provides the ability
to link any item to any other item.
DateMan 3.02 for OS 2.0 - is a fully integrated Date Management system.
It offers complete control over all aspects of your schedule, from calls to meetings to
your To Do list. The main goal of DateMan is to present your schedule to you in a clean,
uncluttered fashion, giving you the most amount of information in the least amount of
time. It does this using the Main Agenda view, which lists every item on your schedule,
over any length of time. This lets you plan your upcoming events with precision, always
knowing what's around the corner. Another focus of DateMan is customizability. We want
DateMan to work around you, rather than your having to adjust to it. To this end, we've
made just about every aspect of the application configurable. If you don't like the way a
feature is implemented, chances are that it's got other options, configurable via the
preferences. Since very few things in your life are isolated, DateMan provides the ability
to link any item to any other item.
FlightRecorder 1.5 Trial Version - extends the Newton's built-in Date
Book to allow easy scheduling of plane flights. FR's flight slip allows you to store and
access all of the info associated with a plane flight. FR will even notify you when you
have changed time zones and allow you to update your Newton's clock and location. Version
1.5 supports flights that cross midnight. This version will work for all Newton users till
Jan 13th 1997. Existing users can use this version to upgrade also.
MessageBuddy 1.1 - Have you ever needed to take a phone message and
couldn't find a pen or paper? No longer. MessageBuddy gives you an infinite supply of
"While You Where Out" forms for your Newton. Is the caller not in your names
file? With the tap of a button add the person for future calls. Another tap and you have a
new To Do item. If eWorld was still around you could even eMail the message to the person
it was for. It slices, it dices, it even makes julienne fries! Printing, faxing, beaming!
It's all here! How much would you expect to pay for this fine piece of software? $10.00?
$15.00? Even $50.00? No! MessageBuddy is freeware. We're releasing it as a freeware
application to the Newton Community because it was fun to write, and more good things in
life should be free.
MPG 3.0b3 US - MPG is a log book for your car. It lets you keeps track
of fuel, oil changes, tune-ups, inspections, tire rotations, windshield wipers, car washes
trips, and other miscellaneous expenses for your car. It gives status such as average
miles per gallons, total cost of gas, and average price of gas. Fuel economy is calculated
for the fuel entries. Time, distance and time per distance are calculated for trips. Trip
reports can be generate for tax purposes. Alarms and reminders can be setup for recurring
services such as oil changes or change the tire pressures. If you do download and install
these files then BACK UP FIRST. Once you install this version you can not go back to your
OLD MPG data from 2.3 or prior. Most of MPG 3.0 is compatible with NOS 1.x and NOS 2.0.
Personal Minutes Sup. 1.0 - Personal Minutes Supervisor is a Newton
application that lets you easily track project time, and send the resulting information to
your desktop computer at the end of the month. Features include: "tap to
start"/"tap to stop" usage, edit your data on a per-project basis, get
summaries on your Newton on a project or month basis, upload your data to your Macintosh
or Windows desktop to produce a monthly "timesheet" (Mac & Windows clients
included) using your favorite spreadsheet program, supported on both 2.0 and 1.3 Newtons.
Personal Minutes Supervisor is available as a 30 day expiring demo for both Macintosh and
Windows, and can be registered for $25.
Phone Memo 2.1 - helps you manage your phone calls. It adds an
additional item in the "New" menu in the NotePad that creates notes especially
setup to handle phone calls. Lots of loving care went into Phone Memo to make it useful
and fun. (Be sure to check out the alarm sounds!) Known limitation: Load Phone Memo into
internal memory, not onto a card. If you put it on a card, and try to eject the card, it
will give you the "grip of death". I kept the app small (30k) so keeping it
internal shouldn't be a problem. Alarms now have a "Snooze" button, You can
create a Todo item of a PhoneMemo. There is a popup list of common notes to insert when
placing a call. The overview now shows if an alarm is set. When creating a new card, you
can set a name AND a company.