Part 2 of 4
Notepad Cols - is designed to make a normal notepad checklist act like a
multiple column list. You can define the width of each column, its title, and a popup menu
of entry helpers. Cols is meant for light-duty lists. It doesn't have a fraction of the
power of Notion, for example. But I use it daily in place of the various list managers I
own. To set up a new column list, first create a new checklist. Then open Cols. Fill in
names for columns: you can create as many as four. If you only fill in two or three, the
resulting list will only have that many columns. Next, fill in the tab stops. In portrait
mode, the last stop should not be more than 200. You should generally make each column at
least 40 wide. Now tap the install button. Your column headings will appear as the first
topic in the checklist-in System font 9 bold underline.
NoteHopper version 2.0 - makes navigating the Notepad easier. NoteHopper
adds rapid navigation features like going to the first note or to the last note. It also
adds smart features like going back which will return you to the last note you were at--
this works great if you need to look up notes from a month ago, but write comments about
those notes in a note created today. Only works with Newton OS 2.0. Features to Move to
the top of current, first, last, previous, or next note. Features to Go Back to the last
note you were at. Features to Popup a date picker and goto a specific date. Price $10.00.
NotepadXtensions 1.03 demo - a collection of NINE powerful forms which
make entering important information into the Notepad intuitive and easy. This file
contains a unlockable 10 day demo of NotepadXtensions. The collection includes: Voice
Mail, Meeting Notes, News Clippings, TV Note, Flight Info, Car Rental Info, Hotel Info,
Internet Site and New Ideas. Credit: PenTekk Software Technologies, Inc.
NotePad Converter places an option in the routing button of the NotePad
allowing you to convert notes from one type to another. NotePad Converter is shareware,
with a built in 30-day demo period, and costs $10.
NotePak 2 doc.pdf - This Adobe Acrobat pdf file contains the manual for
NotePak. Intelligent To Do Management for the Newton MessagePad, NotePak was written as a
replacement for the Newton's built-in to do application. NotePak's author felt constrained
by the to do application's lack of categorization and only four priority levels. NotePak
was designed to manage information in a more organized fashion and it allows you to store
and retrieve information on Newton quickly and easily. Requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader
NotePak 2.02 - Intelligent To Do Management for the Newton MessagePad.
NotePak was written as a replacement for the Newton's built-in to do application.
NotePak's author felt constrained by the to do application's lack of categorization and
only four priority levels. NotePak was designed to manage information in a more organized
fashion and it allows you to store and retrieve information on Newton quickly and easily.
With NotePak, you can categorize, prioritize, and organize your data to suit your specific
needs. While NotePak makes a wonderful to do list manager, it can also serve to help you
manage all sorts of small notes and lists; there is no limit on what kind of information
you store in NotePak.