From CD collections to your personal library,
CardMEDIA 1.8 will help you keep track of it all. CardMEDIA's use of the Names style
database is so seamless, it seems a native function of the Newton. The latest update
corrects a problem with closing the view prior to entering infomation in the title slot of
any CardMEDIA card type. A default entry is now automatically entered. .CardMEDIA is
available in two different styles, or "suites" designed to best suit a specific
need. The CardMEDIA Reference Suite is best for generating bibliographic entries for
inclusion in a report, or to make journal-style or library tracking entries. The CardMEDIA
Home Suite is best suited to help track CD collections, Videos, and home inventory items
such as appliances and electronics. Using other software packages like MoreInfo 5.0
from SilverWARE, and HyperNewt from Foundation Systems, you can actually link notes,
dates, to-dos, & calls to any type of Card in your Newton Names. Thanks, Sine of the
Times for releasing the source - free! Users may still register for support and
custom cards at additional cost. Credit: Sine of the Times.
CDArchiv is a Newton-program to handle your CD´s. You can enter your
CD´s in handwriting and with the help of the NCK 2.0 you can handle bigger data-amounts
on your PC. The program CDUtilities enables you to install the Meta-data required by NCK
into the Newton. After the installation and synchronization of the Newton with the NCK you
can use the template-functions beside the standard-functions of the NCK. By this you are
able to transfer large amounts of data from other programs. Please read the manual of the
NCK and that of the program from which you want to transfer the data.
DMP Systems announces an update of "NewtDb(tm) - The Relational
Database for Newton"(sm). With the release of v1.20, NewtDb is NOS 2.0 compatible. A
number of new features have also been added. NewtDb is a relational database program for
Newton for fast information retrieval. It has separate screens and databases. You can
define the layout of screens for displaying information and define different databases to
hold the data. NewtDb's relational capabilities allow retrieving data from multiple
databases at once and also displaying relational data in a Detail or List view. NewtDb has
NCK support for data import and export from Mac or PC databases, supports records numbers
and record modification flags.
Morgan lets you keep track of all your media and collectables. Credit:
Power Media, Inc.
Form Pro has everything you need to use your Newton to help you run a small business. You
can use it to record sales, track your inventory, and it even supports bar code scanning.
Order Form Pro isn't just a convenient way to take orders, it's also a database of all
your products, services, and customers. 30 day shareware. Credit: Stand Alone Software.
Order Form is a tool to allow you to take retail orders directly on your
Newton. It provides you with the ability to create item lists with such information as
product titles, prices, and tax-exempt status. You can the print or fax these, as either
invoices, packing slips, or price quotes.
Order It is software for creating orders on the Newton. Order It has
four different types of orders - Invoices, Quotes, Sales Orders and Purchase Orders. Lets
you enter the Seller, Buyer, Item, description, units, cost and more. This version of
Order It has a limit of two (2) orders and two (2) detail items on each order. Pay the
shareware fee to get the full version.
shopList software (sL) is a shopping list manager. sL helps you keep
track of items you need to purchase at various stores. Especially helpful with groceries.
Support for portrait and landscape rotations (Newton 2.0 only). Icons in popup lists
(Newton 2.0 only). Works with 1.x and 2.0.
Shopping List was developed to demonstrate a potential Newton
application in a manufacturing firm. (Grocery shopping is very much like "order
picking" in a warehouse with many SKU's.). Shopping List has been steadily improved
as it's been used as a test ground for new approaches to Newton software. We envision a
version 1.4 that will link Shopping List to the Find and Intelligent Assistance features
of Newton. New to this version - The pull-down store section menu has been replaced with a
palette of icon buttons. Audio feedback is included. Scrolling the overview lists is now
in page steps instead of line steps.
transForm is an integrated form design and fill program for Newton. With
transForm you can create and modify form layouts, and you can capture data in form
entries. transForm supports eight field types as well as Print, Fax, Beam, Find, and Undo.
transForm communicates with desktop computers via transForm Transfer Utility.
Vea is a simple to use, yet powerful diagramming
program for the Apple Newton 2.0 operating systems. Vea allows layering of objects
(limited only by the systems memory) and also provides an underlying database that allows
the user to assign multiple properties such as model, cost, price, dimensions, etc. to
each object. Objects can inherit other objects, along with their associated data. By
providing this database, Vea allows users to create Intelligent Diagrams, which can speed
the creation of documents such as parts lists. Vea can also be used in either portrait or
landscape mode on the MessagePad. Newton ID is required for full registration of the
program. Credit: Planet Computing.
Time to order the wine for dinner, but you can't
remember what wine you like? Turn to WineCellar. WineCellar will keep track of the
wines you have tried or the wines you have in stock so you know exactly what wine you
prefer and what wine should be left on the bottom shelf. Credit: Catamount Software.
WineList is a Shareware Newton application for the Wine connoisseur. It
enables you to keep track of a multitude of wines on the basis of winery, vintage, type,
price, rank and tasting notes. The database WineList uses is import/export compatible with
Newton Connection Kit 2.0 which means you can up/down load wine data to/from your favorite
desktop database application as long as it supports tab delimited text data interchange. I
have included an extensive wine database provided to me by a friend who happens to be a
fellow Wine lover and connoisseur. In fact, his FileMaker Pro Wine database was the
inspiration behind WineList. You can load this data set using the supplied WineListDB
program, or import your own desktop wine data set using Newton Connection Kit 2.0, or
enter your entries directly on the Newton.