Part 2 of 2
NewtNotes 1.0 is a bibliography program for the
Newton. NewtNotes was designed based upon EndNote by Niles & Associates. NewtNotes
allows Newton users to carry around references and to add new references while away from
their usual desktop computer. Many users may still use Niles' EndNote and a word processor
on the desktop to create your final papers. The download file includes not only the main
Newton .pkg but also nnsync, a package which allows import/export of data to Wildcat on
the Macintosh and Windows desktops. NewtNotes also includes a complete manual! Credit:
Catamount Software.
PersonURL 1.0 - This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. PersonURL
lets you add dated URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) to individual name cards in your Names
file. Each URL has a location (such as http://www.standalone.com/newton) and an optional
date, to let you know how current the URL is. PersonURL is FREE.
Personal is a great app for your Newton. It lets you have a private
area, accessible only with a number, where you can store any information you want - bank
accounts, pin numbers, visa numbers, alarm codes, etc. You can set 12 label names, and 12
entries. This is great for people who want to store private info, but don't like password
protecting their whole Newton. The first time you tap it, tap the Access button. To set
your own access number, tap the New Access button. Enter the number, which will appear
above the keyboard, then tap set. Then whenever you launch the app, just tap in your
numbers, and hit access.
Shopping List was developed to demonstrate a potential Newton
application in a manufacturing firm. (Grocery shopping is very much like "order
picking" in a warehouse with many SKU's.). Shopping List has been steadily improved
as it's been used as a test ground for new approaches to Newton software. We envision a
version 1.4 that will link Shopping List to the Find and Intelligent Assistance features
of Newton. New to this version - The pull-down store section menu has been replaced with a
palette of icon buttons. Audio feedback is included. Scrolling the overview lists is now
in page steps instead of line steps.
New to the Sports Schedule Pro Family: SSP
Team Stats Add Ons 1.2 for compiling and viewing your favorite team's stats! Sports
Schedule Pro 1.23 and companion schedules help Newton users keep track of their favorite
league's games. Included below are various game league schedules. The latest version of
Sports Schedule Pro includes schedule filtering and tv listing features.
SSP Schedule Maker 1.1 allows users to make their
own sports schedules for SSP! The SSP Schedule Maker is a potential favorite of coaches
everywhere - amateur and professional. Below, Sports Schedule Pro 1.23
(Freeware) , various game league schedules, the SSP Schedule Maker 1.1 (30 day shareware)
and the latest addition, SSP Team Stats Add Ons 1.2 (shareware). Credit: Mark A.