Bowser(TM) is an entirely new genre of software for the Apple Newton
MessagePad(TM). Bowser places at the fingertips of its enlightened users, a portable
"expert system." MessagePad users from a host of different occupations or fields
can call up Bowser and receive step-by-step expert advice, scripted instructions,
guideline recommendations, or trouble-shooting help. Bowser accomplishes this with an
easy-to-use metaphor that is literally learned in seconds. Using a "flipbook"
metaphor, Bowser is, in essence, a sophisticated decision-tree browser. Any non-cyclic,
directed graph (computerese) or similar flow chart (for everybody else) can be easily
converted within Bowser's intuitive decision-tree-growing environment into a flipbook.
List Tools 1.1 (with Lists Slurping) adds add functionality to the
Notepad Outlines and Checklists of Newton 0S 2.0. It also adds tools for sending and
recieving lists to and from a desktop computer over "Slurpee" (a wonderful
shareware program by Steve Weyer) List Tools 1.1 adds the following items to the action
"envelope" button - Delete Checked (checklists only). Delete Family. Collapse
all. Expand Outline. I.A.1.a. ("Harvard" outline numbering). 1,2,3
("Legal" outline numbering). Undo.
Lists is a somewhat different approach to a list application for the
Newton. Unlike Notion, NotePak, ListIt and others list-apps I've tried, Lists is based on
a spreadsheet-style view of a list - you scroll horizontally to see the portion of an item
not immediately visible. Partly as a result of the differences in design, Lists has some
advantages over the other list-apps - You can define the number, titles and widths of
columns. You can define a pop up of entry helpers for each column. If you use Graffiti or
a keyboard, you can enter directly into the list without an intervening entry slip. An
entry slip is available, however. Lists can be exported to the Notepad and can be imported
from the Notepad.
NapkinCalc 1.1 lets you create sheets in which you can enter numbers and
text, and perform calculations on the numbers you entered. One of the many strong points
of Napkin Calc is that you can have more than one sheet on your screen at a time. It is
also fairly easy to use. This program does not wish to present itself as a "super
powerful", all knowing, calculation machine. It's purpose is simply to let you run a
few calculations on the fly, and also print or fax a nice looking report. Shareware.
This is a light-weight Outliner for the Newton that treats each Note as
a potential outline. It is much less Newton-ish than Dyno Notepad but also much faster,
safer and import-friendly. Outline looks like a separate application, but it really isn't.
Outline is really a way of viewing and editing a Note from the Notepad. It is important to
understand that every Note can be viewed as an outline and every outline is itself a Note.
You will need to use the Notepad to fax, beam, mail, delete or duplicate an Outline, or to
add formatting or pictures or to import or export an outline. Comes with a manual to load
onto your Newton. Read it before using!
QuickFigure Lite 2.1 Manual - This is the manual for QuickFigure Lite,
in NewtonBook forma. QuickFigure Lite is a fast, small, fully functional spreadsheet for
the Newton. It supports all standard Newton math and financial functions (over 40
functions), allows the user to store multiple worksheets, has printing, faxing and mailing
capability, and many other features. QuickFigure Lite is freeware. To purchase QuickFigure
Pro (the complete version), the cost is $49, plus shipping and handling. You will receive
a complete manual (both on paper and in Newton Digital Book format), an enhanced version
of the software (no start-up screen, more formatting options, more math and financial
functions, more rows and columns, and much more!
The QF Conversion Utility allows you to convert worksheets created with
Version 1.0x of QuickFigure to the format used by QuickFigure Version 1.1 and subsequent.
When you open the conversion utility, it checks the status of your QuickFigure soup
("qfig-donv"). If it finds that there are entries in the old format, it displays
the number of entries in the soup. To convert those entries, tap the "Convert"
Button. When the Converter is done, it will ask you if you want to delete your old
entries. Conversion utility now converts soups with a mix of old and new format entries.
QuickFigure Lite is a fast, small, fully functional spreadsheet for the
Newton. It supports all standard Newton math and financial functions (over 40 functions),
allows the user to store multiple worksheets, has printing, faxing and mailing capability,
and many other features. QuickFigure Lite is freeware. To purchase QuickFigure Pro (the
complete version), the cost is $49, plus shipping and handling. You will receive a
complete manual (both on paper and in Newton Digital Book format), an enhanced version of
the software (no start-up screen, more formatting options, more math and financial
functions, more rows and columns, and many other things), notification of new and improved
versions, and technical support (via E-Mail).
Relations is a genealogy program for Newton devices. It can be used to
enter information for unrelated individuals, or it can be used to enter families with the
links to mother, father, spouse, etc. The idea was for a program to gather family history
information and then be able to export it to a desktop system. Initially, a family tree
can be built and displayed on the Newton, and notes can be added. Then all this
information, or notes only, can be exported in the GEDCOM format. This version of the
program is limited to adding 30 records.
Relations 2.1 is a genealogy program for Newton devices. Enter and
display families with all the relationships shown, or enter unrelated individuals as
information is gathered. You can use a Newton device to gather family history information
to be loaded, in GEDCOM format, into a desktop genealogy program. Relations can be used by
itself, but there is limited reporting capabilities at this point. This release runs on
Newton OS2.0 only. If you have Newton OS1.x look for my earlier release of Relations v1.2.
Shareware-$20 US; $25 Canadian October 1996.
TransGraph 1 - transForm Graphs for Newton - transGraph software (tG) is
a tool for plotting data collected with transForm. Using tG is an excellent way to spot
trends while collecting data in the field. You can construct simple two-dimensional plots
between any two fields for any transForm layout.
Tribble - Tribble is an unobtrusive substitute for the topic buttons on
the Newton 2.0 Notepad checklists and outlines. When you launch Tribble, it puts three
symbols ("+", "=", "-") up in the center of the top of the
Notepad. If you put the cursor anywhere in a checklist or outline and then tap one of the
symbols, the normal topic buttons for that checklist or outline will disappear (if it was
visible) and a new topic will be created. "+" creates a new topic that is
superior to the current topic, "=" creates one that is at the same level, and
"-" creates one that is inferior by one level. PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE SYMBOLS
Vea is a simple to use, yet powerful diagramming
program for the Apple Newton 2.0 operating systems. Vea allows layering of objects
(limited only by the systems memory) and also provides an underlying database that allows
the user to assign multiple properties such as model, cost, price, dimensions, etc. to
each object. Objects
can inherit other objects, along with their associated data. By providing this database,
Vea allows users to create Intelligent Diagrams, which can speed the creation of documents
such as parts lists. Vea can also be used in either portrait or landscape mode on the