Part 1 of 2
This application allows you to manage a set of check lists. These might
be grocery lists, lists of what to pack for a trip, project milestones, etc. CheckList
supports such features as printing, faxing, mailing and beaming lists. It allows you to
add, sort, check off items. You can create a list of this that you sometimes buy at the
grocery store and then check off the items that you want to buy this week. You can then
take the checked items and create a new list from them to produce this weekıs shopping
list. CheckList also supports folders and filing to aid in keeping a variety of lists.
Drop to
do items from the NotePad. 30 day shareware. Credit: Stand Alone Software.
Drop To
Do is a to do manager for the Newton MessagePad running the 2.0 Operating system. It
allows you to print/fax/mail/view your to do lists for any time period, associate alarms
with To Do items, associate Notes with To Do items, and file To Do items in folders. It
also allows quick entry of to do items into your list. 30 day shareware. Credit: Stand
Alone Software.
What does one do with List-It? Well, create lists, of course! These
lists can consist of anything you wish. Some people use them as lists of things to
purchase, others prefer to use them as a To Do replacement. So feel free to put in
whatever you like! When you open List-It, the first thing you see is an empty list. This
is where youıll see the names of the lists youıll create (ex - Grocery, To Do,
whatever). To see a particular list, tap on that listsıs line. If youıre starting from
scratch, just tap on the NEW button. There are now three types of lists to choose from, a
plain list, quantity and price list, or a list with comments. You can also erase all
checked items. Now view lists on your mac using connectivity kit!
Lists is a somewhat different approach to a list application for the
Newton. Unlike Notion, NotePak, ListIt and others list-apps I've tried, Lists is based on
a spreadsheet-style view of a list - you scroll horizontally to see the portion of an item
not immediately visible. Partly as a result of the differences in design, Lists has some
advantages over the other list-apps - You can define the number, titles and widths of
columns. You can define a pop up of entry helpers for each column. If you use Graffiti or
a keyboard, you can enter directly into the list without an intervening entry slip. An
entry slip is available, however. Lists can be exported to the Notepad and can be imported
from the Notepad. And more!
List Tools 1.1 (with Lists Slurping) adds add functionality to the
Notepad Outlines and Checklists of Newton 0S 2.0. It also adds tools for sending and
recieving lists to and from a desktop computer over "Slurpee" (a wonderful
shareware program by Steve Weyer) List Tools 1.1 adds the following items to the action
"envelope" button - Delete Checked (checklists only). Delete Family. Collapse
all. Expand Outline. I.A.1.a. ("Harvard" outline numbering). 1,2,3
("Legal" outline numbering). Undo.
LookUp 2.0 is a Newton utility which runs in the background and checks
automatically whether there are any jobs to do in Newton`s ToDo list, a date or a
birthday. An alarm is given when you switch on the Newton if anything is found, and you
are given the option of going straight to the ToDo list, the calendar or the cardfile
whereby LookUp sets the calendar date to today's date automatically. BTW, the cardfile to
the birthdaycard. You can turn on Dates/2 that is: LookUp lets you tap on the upper half
of the Dates button to open the calendar and on the lower half to open Todo. If you tap on
the lowest point of the Dates button, LookUp starts its query. Docs in English and German.
NewtToDo 1.01 is a full-featured to-do list application designed to help
Newton users manage task lists more efficiently. This package includes extensive
customization options and several unique features. Credit: Adam Tow of Foundation Systems.