Part 1 of 2
3-up is a perpetual calendar which displays 3
months in a floating window. Two arrows allow you to move backwards and forwards through
the year 3 months at a time. On a MessagePad 2000/2100, you can place 3-up on the button
bar for quick access: Open extras, Select 3-up by holding down your pen on the icon
until you hear the squeak.
Lift your pen, then place it down again on the icon and drag it to the button bar.
Freeware. Credit: Burr Oak Software.
AlarmClock 2.7 (NOS 2.x) and 1.4 (NOS 1.x) -
AlarmClock is the ultimate alarm clock for the Newton! AlarmClock is for all those who
have forgotten in the past to bring their travel clocks on business or vacation, have had
bad experiences with absent-minded hotels, or are unhappy with the current clock
implementation. AlarmClock is loud and configurable, exactly what one needs in a travel
clock! Credit: Foundation Systems. FREEWARE!
BDays 2.0 - BDays is a simple program for the Newton to go through your
Names (soup) and check the Birthdays (slot). BDays lists all Birthdays in date order.
Using the action button you can - Schedule a reminder with a 7 day advanced alarm. Print,
fax, or email a birthday greeting to the currently selected individual. To select an
individual, tap on their name. To scroll, use the up and down arrows. The program does
pause momentarily when first opened to build the list of birthdays.
Birthdays 1.2 - Birthday updater is a simple App. It looks though all of
the names in the Names soup and adds an entry in the Repeat Names soup for each birthday.
As you add names with birthdays, simply re-run this app and it will update the birthdays.
The added feature of 1.1 is that there is now a checkbox to allow for the last name to be
included in the birthday annotation. Changes from 1.1 to 1.2 - Added Reminder pop-up.
Calendar Marker 2.0 - Do you ever wish you could tell when you have
meetings and anniversaries (day notes), just by glancing at the small calendar displayed
in the upper right corner of the Dates display? Calendar Marker does just that! Every time
you open the Dates application, it swiftly checks for any and all day notes and meetings
in the current month. It also does this check when you change or make a new appointment,
or select a new day to view. It then draws a box around any day with a day note, and
places a small line to the left of any day with a meeting. A line is drawn near the top of
a day for a morning meeting, while a line drawn near the bottom means an afternoon
meeting. Shareware, $10. Install on Internal RAM!!
DateCaln - These freeware applications are for those who have to
synchronize their Newton calendar with an outside calendar. The first program,
³DateList² is for extracting changes made on the Newton for addition to the calendar.
The second program, ³UpdateCal² replaces the Intelligent Assistant for adding entries
into the Newton Calendar. ³DateList² lists future calendar entries which have changed
between executions. The lists may be printed, faxed or copied to the notepad. When the
close box is pressed, ³DateList² will ask to reset the date last synchronized. An ³OK²
will clear these entries from future lists, while ³Cancel² does not reset the date.
DateReminder 2.3e - English Version. I wrote DateReminder because I
wanted a way to keep track of birthdays without needing to enter a name card for each
birthday (I only need one address card for a family, but may want to remember 4 birthdays
and an anniversary). I also did not want to enter repeating meetings to remember the dates
from year to year. Dates can be entered and viewed a month at a time, or for a full year.
DateReminder supports the Newton Connection Kit. This release adds an alarm indicator in
the main view.
DateReminder 2.3e - German Version. I wrote DateReminder because I
wanted a way to keep track of birthdays without needing to enter a name card for each
birthday (I only need one address card for a family, but may want to remember 4 birthdays
and an anniversary). I also did not want to enter repeating meetings to remember the dates
from year to year. Dates can be entered and viewed a month at a time, or for a full year.
DateReminder supports the Newton Connection Kit. This release adds an alarm indicator in
the main view.
DateView 0.2 - When you tap on the DateView icon, a window with the
current month appears. You can enter a new date into the input line below the calendar.
Use your local short date format. For US users this is mm/dd/yyyy or 4/12/1995 for
example. Some international users switch the order of the month and day. Once you've
entered a date, tap the little magnifying glass (search) icon to the right of the entered
date. This will display that month. If you'd like to jump to a date on the month view, tap
it. This will open the built-in Dates application and turn to that date. You can keep
DateView open while Dates is open.
For a selected date (holiday, your birthday,
"End of World" or enter one), Ellie's Count Down (ECountDn) displays the
remaining time from now in weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds. Credit: Steve Weyer.
Happy 1.23 - Happy is a small Newton application that will remind you of
upcoming birthdays every time you turn on your communication assistant. Happy is now
compble with the MP110. Happy is simple. Tap on Happy and a reminder will appear. Happy
will look through your Names for upcoming birthdays. Happy will only perform this search
once per day, or after a reset. If someone has a birthday within 14 days of today's date,
then Happy will show that person's name along with the number days until their birthday.
Of course, Happy won't know someone's birthday unless you fill in the Names card field for
Following last the huge success of Holidays '97
last year, the new and greatly expanded Holidays '98 adds 80 holidays to your Newton
Datebook including all the major civil, Christian, Islamic, and just plain fun holidays!
If you don't need every holiday in the big list, you can easily search for the string
"1998" in the Datebook and simply delete the holidays that you don't need! Since
the holidays are simply added to your Datebook just as if you did it yourself, you can
safely delete the package after you add all the holidays. Credit: Brian K. Ogilvie, Toad
Hollow Software.