Part 5 of 5
ToDo! - (2k) is a button for use in your background application (as long
as the background app supports Auxiliary Buttons). Tapping the button opens a To Do slip.
ToDo Shortcut 1.0 - I was browsing comp.sys.newton.misc on UseNet and I
came across a post by a user who wanted to be able to split his Dates button into two
parts, one to take him to dates, the other to take him to the To Do list. Well, in the
interests of future Newton compatability, and ease of programming, I changed the idea a
bit. The new method of operation is - Click on the Dates button to go to the Schedule,
Click on Dates and drag off of the button before releasing to go directly to the To Do
list. Takes up only 2k installed.
Toggler 1.0 - is a small (5k) extension which adds a button to the
status bar of any backdrop application which supports auxiliary buttons. The added button
provides a convenient means to toggle various options on and off, including backlighting,
sound, card storage, password protection, and daily alarms. Toggler requires Newton 2.0.
Toggler is freeware.
Unlimited Folders 2.01 is a complete folder
management utility for the Newton. With Unlimited Folders, users may customize the popup
folder management icon in native Newton apps to include their own hierarchical filing
system. Unlimited Folders for Newton 2.01 is fully user customizable and allows changing
the status of a folder level from local to global. Many many more features are also
included. 30 day demo. Credit: SilverWARE.
UpperButtons 1.0 - This is an app similar in concept to Jesse Devine's
StatusBar Buttons (a must have in itself) with a few twists added. First off, due to the
fact the status bar is getting pretty crowded, there's not a whole lot of room for new
buttons, so I placed them in the folder bar at the top of the note pad. This also means
they're smaller, and more can be placed up there (subject to the constraints of the
current folder label.). The other major difference is that the buttons are configurable,
using the separate app UBConfig. You can add or remove buttons, and change the content and
icons of those you've created.
Vitamin A - is an application that lets you create and edit popup menus.
You can create up to 11 different menus. One in each corner of the Newton's screen (4).
One under the text of each silk screened button (6). The Caret popup menu. Each of these
can consist of many different items and actions, giving you a great deal of control over
the way your Newton operates.
X-Bar 1.2 - X-Bar is an application launcher shortcut. It provides 12
configurable buttons on a floating palette from which the user can launch applications.
The bar also shrinks to a small icon to keep out of the users way. Install X-Bar on a card
or internal memory. If you install it on a card, you must quit the application before
ejecting the card. Installed it consumes a mere 13K of memory. X-Bar keeps it settings
soup in the internal store of the Newton (called XbarSoup:Otto). Once you run the package
from the extras drawer a palette will appear at the top of the screen with 14 buttons. The
leftmost button will display a popup menu with various functions. The rightmost button
will compress or shrink the palette to a single little icon.