Part 2 of 5
E-Z Access 1.5 - for Newton (10k) is a pop-up button for launching
applications and books. The button is displayed in the top left corner of the screen, and
is available from any application on your Newton OS system. Tapping the button pops up a
list of the applications on your MessagePad. Tapping and holding the button until you hear
a squeak pops up a list of Newton books. Tapping an application or book opens it. E-Z
Access supports opening frozen apps and is German and French aware. Newton 2.0 OS only!
Guester 1.3 - Tired of wading through menus to put your Newton in guest
mode every time someone else wants to try it? Bored with the double-tap on the
"A", scroll down, and click? Wondering which mode you left your Newton in the
last time someone played with it? Then Guester may be for you. Guester is a small
application for your Newton to give you an easy-to-get-at way to flip your Newton in and
out of Guest mode. Inspired after an evening of explaining my Newton to my parents, it's a
little floating button you can drag down next to the recognizer buttons in the notepad,
and use or look at it when you need to. Provides an icon which shows you at a glance
whether or not you're in guest mode.
Hidden Menus is an enhancement for Newton OS 2.1.
Desktop style menus for your Newton based on the keyboard shortcuts. Hidden Menus displays
the keyboard shortcuts in a familiar pop down style menu so that you can use them without
having a keyboard attached. Credit: Catamount Software.
i++ 2.00e - for Newton with OS2.0. With i++ you can extend/customize the
menu shown when tapping an i-Button. Menu items can be included to open applications
(without opening extras, frozen packages are activated on the fly and refrozen after
usage) or to invoke other special actions (like changing the screen orientation, switching
default store, backlight control, reporting battery/memory status. Credit: Thorsten
Ipp Devkit - Developer Kit for Newton developers interested in adding
"special actions" to i++ or to support the i++ menu from other buttons (i.e.
faked i-buttons).
LightBulb - is a very simple extension for owners of MP 130s. LightBulb
will extend the silk screened Assist button. When tapped, it will toggle the backlighting
on and off. Users can still display the assist screen by tapping on the word
"Assist" beneath the silk screened "light bulb." LightBulb is intended
to be used on MP 130s. Since it extends the Assist button, those using Gesture Launch
which extends all of the silk screen buttons need not use LightBulb.
Folders serves three purposes: it speeds up filing via a popup menu, eliminates the built
in limit of 12 folders, and also allows you to have hierarchical folders, that is, folders
within other folders. Note: You MUST install Scroll Menus if you wish to take advantage of
the hierarchical folders feature of More Folders. If you have an earlier version of Scroll
Menus installed on your Newton, make sure to remove it before installing this one. 30 day
shareware. Credit: Stand Alone Software.
Note Pop 2.0 - NotePop places a button in the status bar which allows
you to easily transfer selected text between notes. Shareware, $10. This demo will expire
after 30 days. Requires Newton OS 2.0.