Accessor 1.0 - There are a lot of utilities for getting around the
inadequacies of the Extras Drawer. Accessor is my contribution. Accessor provides access
to the builtin applications (Calculator, Inbox, Time Zones, etc), installed applications
(the windows scrolls so memory is now your only limit), and books.
AllEx - Creates a new button on the notepad statusbar which produces a
scrolling list of all items in the Extras drawer (whether or not visible). Selecting one
opens it. Do not use to open "Card". Install only in internal memory.
freeze management for your packages. Freezeman lists all frozen packages and allows you to
group these packages in their own "Extras" drawer. Included are other features,
and an icon editor to assist in creating the custom Extras drawer. 30 day shareware.
Credit: Stand Alone Software.
for the built-in freeze features on your Newton. Freeware. Credit: Stand Alone Software.
Ope creates a floating button which pops up a list of the application
packages. This is generally much faster than the Extras drawer. Ope creates its list when
opened. If you add or remove an application, Ope will not know. You have to close Ope and
reopen it to have it notice the change. Version 2 adds the ability to specify built-ins to
be included in the popup menu and to specify applications to be excluded.
Open - Open is a combination of an application launcher for
user-selected applications and a means of accessing all applications when your extras
drawer has too many items to be displayed. (It's an update, in effect, of three programs -
Ope+, Ope+Prefs, and AllExtras.). You can also pick apps to exclude from your pop down
list. Open is a floating box, which can be moved around.
PopExtras 1.2 - PopExtras consists of two parts, the first being a
button which is attached to the bottom of the NotePad next to the keyboard icon etc.
Tapping this button will present you with a pop-up menu containing a user definable list
of apps installed on the Newton. Tapping an app name will open that app! The second part
of PopExtras is the utility that is used to select which apps will be displayed in the
popup button. This utility consists of a scrolling list which contains the apps installed
on the Newton (with the exception of books and the card app). Tapping on an item in the
list with place a check to the left of the app name, tapping again will remove the check.
Simple. Very Useful!
X-Master 2.0 - X-Master is a Newton utility which allows you to quickly
and easily launch applets, books, and built-in functions without ever opening the Extras
drawer. It is unobtrusive and simple to use. X-Master's basic design is similar to
launching utilities such as Now Utilities NowMenus which provides a popdown list of
applications and documents to open. X-Master is relatively small (roughly 14K after
installation) and therefore can be loaded into either internal memory or onto a storage
card. After installation, you will see a small dot in the upper right (or left) hand
corner of your screen. Tap it for a list of user installed apps, then tap again to launch
an app.