AffiliatePlus is an extension which replaces the built-in Affiliate
feature within the Name File. AffiliatePlus allows you to add a person's name,
affiliation, two phone numbers, an e-mail address and even their birthday. This
information is all displayed when you display the "All Info" view from within
the Name File. This is a 30 day demo.
Namecaller 2.0 is designed to provide very quick access to phone
numbers and to the cards in the "Names" application and to the Calls
application. This version (version 2) does not use a separate index and should, therefore,
has less compatibility problems. Namecaller basically works as follows: first tap the
radio button for either Names or Calls (Namecaller will remember this choice until you
change it). Then write a person's last name in the name: area. Then tap "Get
It". If the last name appears in your names file, a popup menu of the first names and
first phone numbers for all persons with that name appears.
NameDropper 5.01 - NameDropper does one of four things. Moves you to the
Hilited name. Add a blank name card. Add a name card based on what you have selected and
Add a name card based on Mailing a Text only version of the Name Card. Will also add any
extra text to the notes area of the name card. This is a 45 day demo. A registration code
is required to continue use after 45 days.
NameSlalom 1.1 - NameSlalom is a shareware utility program designed to
augment the built-in Newton Cardfile. The idea behind it is to make the entries any your
Cardfile no more than a few taps away. It uses the Cardfile's index as a means to give you
rapid access any card. The index for a card is usually the last name, but it can be
company too. You set it with the "List By" diamond menu in the "All
Info" screen for a card. As you tap in the first few letters of the index it zooms in
on the entry you're looking for. From there you'll either be able to read the number you
want right from the scrolling list, or tap it to go to that entry in the Cardfile. You'll
find NameSlalom handy in the car, or in those situations when handwriting on the Newton
isn't practical.
Namigator 2.01 - Namigator is a Names enhancement that allows you to
enter the first few letters of a name and moves you to that name card. The program allows
you to mark name cards that you commonly refer to, allows you to navigate the names,
email, or phone popup list from the routing slip. Namigator installs over the
top half of the Names Button so you can access Namigator from anywhere.
Plain Jane makes one entry screen out of four thereby speeding data
entry. The company, address, city, state, zip, country, email and notes screen are
combined into Plain Jane. Features: Speeds data entry, Works with Person and Company name
QuickCall is a small package that installs a small button on the status
bar of your note pad. This button contains a graphic that looks like a tiny telephone.
When this button is clicked, it opens a pop-up menu of the people that you have entered
into your call list. Presumably, these are the people that you want to call the most,
although they may not be. Tapping on someone's name brings up a call slip with the
person's phone number. This is exactly what you would get if you wrote "call
(so-and-so)", highlighted it, and tapped assist. The QuickCall pop-up menu also
contains an option to edit the list of people, and to bring up a blank call slip for
someone not on the list.
Speed is a collection of enhancements to the built in Names file. These
include - Fast (usable) filing of names and notes and viewing of folders. Display of email
addresses in the Card and Card & Notes views. A variety of methods for quickly
accessing the Names file. These are the Scribble window, a pop up menu, and a
mini-keyboard. The ability to tap on a number and have the Newton dial it without having
to go through the standard call slip. A way to set certain default attributes for both the
Names file and newly created Name cards. An increase in the country list that pops up in
the Names file.
Requires Newton MessagePad running 2.0 OS. Speed provides 4 methods of
quickly accessing your names file. Shareware, $15. This demo will expire after 30 days.