BillableHours 1.3 DEMO - BillableHours is a personal time
tracking application from Mondo Info, by Matthew Dixon Cowles for the Newton MessagePad.
It allows the user to enter the number of hours worked on a given day for a particular
client or project, the number of miles or kilometers driven, the amount of any expenses,
and so forth. These entries can be viewed individually or in a scrolling list. A totals
display shows totals of hours worked and expenses incurred by month broken down by client
and distance driven by month broken down by vehicle. BillableHours allows users to display
and edit its data in the Newton Connection Kit. Totals feature is crippled in the demo
2.1 is a comprehensive project management system. Registered users will receive free
updates and a connectivity program to import and export .MPX formatted project files.
BluePrint features support for multiple projects, an integrated outline and table
format, gantt charts, team allocation, summary roll-ups, milestone tasks, planned vs.
actual schedules, cost accumulation, a project calendar, and more. Special features
include a highly intuitive interface, grayscale graphics, a sophisticated scheduling
system, the ability to create custom fields, automatic recalculations, one-touch access
for many operations, printing, faxing, beaming, integration with built-in Newton
applications, and much more. Credit: Sine of the Times.
is a full featured contact manager. DateMan presents your schedule to you in a clean,
unclutteredfashion, giving you the most amount of information in the least amount of time.
DateMan is also easy to customize. DateMan works around you, rather than you having to
adjust to it. Dateman is completely customizable and is fully integrated info Names,
Notepad and Dates! 30 day shareware. Credit: Stand Alone Software.
Meetings can
be a waste of time. Often there seems to be no reason for the meeting, no agenda, and the
person running the meeting is frustrated because they are not accomplishing what they
want. Meetings In Hand (MIH), by prompting you through the most important steps in
meeting preparation, will help you to prepare for and run meetings that will have
participants saying that your meetings are worth their time. This version fixes a few bugs
from previous efforts and includes compatibility with LunaTech's LunaSuite! Credit: Burr
Oak Software.
Great Meetings Demo - You can use Great Meetings to
schedule, plan, run, and follow up on your meetings more easily and efficiently. Great
Meetings has three parts - a Day Summary, a Week Summary, and a meeting form. The
summaries show meetings for a particular day or week. You use the meeting form to enter
and view information about a meeting and to run a meeting. This is a demonstration copy of
Great Meetings. All of the features of the product are fully functional. However, this
demo can only save two names in a meeting's distribution list, two agenda items, and two
action items. The Great Meetings Demo requires 520 KBytes of free memory on the Newton
Money Magazine Business Forms DEMO - A set of electronic
business forms that gives you a quick and easy way to capture, summarize, and save
business and personal transactions with Newton. Business Forms has a common, easy-to-use
format that is consistent with other Newton applications. This demonstration version of
Business Forms contains all the forms that come with the complete package. All features of
these forms can be used normally except the Action button commands (such as Print and
Beam). Also, when you close this version of Business Forms, the data you created is not
saved. The complete version of Business Forms requires 645K & 127 of storage space (a
storage card is recommended).
N*Project Pro, a fully Newton
integrated project management system, compatible with many popular desktop MPX
import/export capable PM systems. 15 day shareware. Credit: Nomadic Technologies.
OutlinePlus Demo - OutlinePlus is a full featured outliner
for Newton. This demo is a full working demo of the retail version. The only limitation is
that data that is entered is not saved. Complete online instructions are included.
Personal Minutes Supervisor is a
Newton application that allows you to keep track of time spent on your projects almost
without trying. Version 1.2.2 includes a client for exported spreadsheets and is for use
with NOS 1.3. Credit: Burr Oak Software.
Personal Minutes Supervisor is a
Newton application that allows you to keep track of time spent on your projects almost
without trying. This latest version includes many new features like exportable data to
spreadsheets, and third party export support and export to Fax, Printer or Email. Credit:
Burr Oak Software.
Reminder can remind users of
meetings just like the Dates alarm function, but it can also remind you to place or finish
a call or perform a ToDo task, punctuated with gentle (in the case of the genie) comments
hoping you enjoyed your breakfast. Genie even workes with birthdays set in Names to remind
you of birthdays or anniversaries. Users may set preferences including nag intervals. With
MacinTalk and Speaktext installed, Reminder's personalities come to life! The latest
version includes a fix which prevented Reminder's Reg Code from running on some Newton
systems. Seven day expiring demo. (Note: The readme included with these files incorrectly
describes the included package as version 1.0, but the package itself is indeed Reminder
1.1.) Credit: Tactile Systems.