This package helps teachers maintain useful
records while moving about the classroom, in the field, or wherever the teacher might
choose to work. With Clarity, users may more easily keep attendance records, do lesson
planning, and assess student performance. Teachers will find the Parent Report generator
one of the most significant functions of Clarity. In just one step, a teacher may make
available a student's entire history including attendance, grades and individual
observation. The latest version includes enhanced features, listed in the readme.
Credit: New World Software.
HomeInventory 1.2 allows Newton users to quickly
create an inventory of everything in their home. Useful for tallying items for insurance
and warranty purposes, HomeInventory will track all of the important info about each item
include the make, model, serial #, condition, price, and insurance policy number. Credit:
Catamount Software.
MoreInfo is a powerful application which
seamlessly extends the Newton's built-in applications making the Newton a true contact
manager. MoreInfo adds these features in such a way that when using it, you will not know
where the built-in features end and MoreInfo begins. MoreInfo has been designed to
anticipate your every move and provide you with the vital information you need to manage
your numerous contacts and busy schedule. This product also takes advantage of Macintalk!
Macintalk is NOT available from the developers of More Info. See Readme for program
details. Credit: SilverWARE.
Morgan lets Newton users take advantage of the
Newton's portable database capabilities, by arranging and cataloging books, CDs, comic
books, tapes, records, laserdiscs, magazines, and any other collections. Morgan has a
range of possible applications for anyone with a large personal library or music
collection. Using the genre search feature, a DJ or home user could find just the right
tune to set a mood. If you need to catalogue your items AND keep track of them, we suggest
using the more detailed MorganPro which includes tracking numbers and lending histories.
Credit: Catamount Software.
Personal Media 1.5 DEMO - Personal Media has been redesigned to be
smaller, quicker and easier to use. The software now fully uses standard Newton electronic
ink, which greatly reduces the storage and memory size of written notes, and adds
handwriting and shape recognition to notepads. Also added are full text and title searches
throughout workspaces in the Personal Media environment, and ability to edit and work with
contacts within Personal Media. Personal Media is the only software that lets you use ink
or text notepads on the Motorola Marco and Newton MessagePad for client or project
information, visually organize, page, scale, move, or copy them on desktop-like
workspaces, and integrates drag-and-drop e-mail and fax. 30 day demo.
Personal Media Intro - Personal Media transforms the Newton into a
powerful tool for the capture, organization and communication of information. It provides
paged notepads for capturing handwritten notes and workspaces for organizing projects,
clients or other tasks. There are text documents for capturing text notes and emails.
Notes can be emailed, faxed or printed via a simple drag and drop interface. All this and
more adds up to more productivity for you and your Newton. This NewtonBook contains
documentation on the Personal Media system, including: Why PM, What is PM, Using PM, Icons
and Gestures, Screen Shots, Customer Comments, Press Releases and About Gaia.
Horsehead Software brings the Newton community yet another time and
money management tool: Pocket Landlord! Wouldn't it be useful to know how much
of your time and effort goes into property management? With April 15th just around
the corner, rental property improvement is a great tax deduction, and now you have proof
of hours spent just in case your massive deduction triggers an audit. Credit:
Horsehead Software
PowerNews-2.5 -- Thank you for your interest in PowerNeWS, an easy to
use, news delivery service designed especially around the Newton, Motorola Marco, and
other Newton compatible PDAs. With PowerNeWS, you will be able to receive the latest
computer industry news and reports hot off the news wire. PowerNeWS will send you reports
from computer industry news sources every business morning via eWorld, NewtonMail,
RadioMail, or American Online. Start your subscription to PowerNeWS for only $2.99 per
month! Every business morning the makers of this program will e-mail your Newton the
latest computer industry news reports. Requires NOS 2.0.
QuoteMaker 1.0b1 DEMO - QuoteMaker is a demo to show you how the
software can be customized for any business that involves preparing quotes. It has been
designed as an example of the vertical market potential of the Newton. This software will
print a very professional report to a printer. This version is for demonstration purposes
only, the data and pricing used is not valid.