Money Magazine Financial Assistant DEMO is a financial calculation
application for personal and business use. With 47 specialized forms, Financial Assistant
makes financial calculations and the tracking of financial information easy to do and
understandable for non-experts. Financial Assistant forms have an easy-to-use format that
is consistent with other Newton applications. This demonstration version of Financial
Assistant contains a sample of four forms, which are organized into a single category
named Demonstration Forms. These are representative of the scope and capabilities of the
entire collection of 47 forms in the complete package. All features of these four forms
can be used normally except the Action (beam, fax) button.
MortCalc 1.0 - MortCalc is not an amortization program, but rather a
tool similar to those lenders use to qualify people for mortgages. (Please remember that
factors other than just income are used to qualify borrowers.) Enter your monthly income
before taxes and MortCalc will tell you how much you can afford for monthly housing, how
large of a mortgage you can afford (both with or without downpayment.) You can choose a 15
or 30 year mortgage, and set the interest rate and percent down payment. If you enter an
incredibly high monthly income, you'll get a reminder to pay the $552 shareware fee!
MLQ 1.1 - Mortgage Loan Qualifier, great for realtors and people in the
lending business! This version will work with Newton OS 2.0. Enter requested information
on first screen: weekly income then monthly payment obligations. Only enter obligations
with more than 10 payments as 10 Payments or less are not calculated. Tap Next at the
bottom of the screen. In the top section select Loan Qualifying Ratios for the loan you
are applying for, or enter custom amounts. Tap on the Calc botton on the bottom right of
the screen. The caculated loan amounts will be shown. To clear amounts tap Next and then
the Clear button on the first screen. Please enjoy MLQ FREE. The author requests that any
users who need help with his program, or just want to send compliments may feel free to do
The Newton Portfolio Manager 1.04 helps Newton
users monitor stock investments, mutual fund performance and keep an eye on options and
bonds. Credit: NewtBrick.
QuickFigure Works is the standard spreadsheet that ships with MP2000 and
MP2100 units, and features a wide range of spreadsheet capabilities as well as
import/export capabilities with Microsoft Excel (on both Windows and Macintosh platforms).
This release is an upgrade version; it will not install to the Newton device unless the
previous version of QuickFigureWorks has been used on that Newton device. The
"QFNewtWorks:donv" icon will need to be deleted from the extensions folder in
the extras drawer before installing this upgrade. The beta version expires on February 28,
1998, although Pelicanware expects to be shipping the release version by then; there is no
cost to upgrade to the new version, since its free to all users of previous versions of
the product. Check back here prior to February 28th for the final release version. Credit:
RateMaster DEMO - RateMaster was created for the insurance salesperson
who doesn't want to carry around pounds of 3 ring binders to lookup insurance rates. With
RateMaster and a Newton you will have a light, quick and accurate way to calculate
insurance premiums. This demo version of RateMaster has sample insurance plan rates
included. $99.99 includes the RateMaster package with 1 customized insurance plan and a
custom icon. Customization for additional plans are $20 per plan. Each additional copy of
RateMaster purchased is $59.95 which includes the additional plans.
Stock Calculator for comes with handy user setup options and includes
full buy/sell/commission calculation options. A built-in Stock Fractions table is
available for performing at-a-glance conversions between dollar amount share prices and
stock fractions in 1/64 increments. Flat rate or percentage commissions can be included in
the calculations. Stock Calculator is currently available from System Support Products for
a registration fee of $15 and may be registered via Kagi. Credit: System Support Products,