This 718 page Newton book demo allows the reader to
sample all of the medical topics that are included in the software's registered version,
but with only a fraction of the full version's information.
This freeware book contents most of the important ICD-9
codes used in hospitals. The files were obtained from the web, and composed as a Newton
book in fall/winter 1996. The author recommends using a memory card if using this
software. Credit: manfred.dichtl@magnet.at
These Newton packages display lists of DRG codes and ICD-9 codes
(separated into diagnoses and procedures files) with abbreviated descriptions. The Newton
Find command allows the user to jump to specific codes or display a list of codes
containing the search string. Because of the extensive use of abbreviations, you must
careful when searching for text strings. The diagnosis file is 779K. Procedures is 230K.
The DRG list is 68K. The author created these files for his own use, and is making them
available to the public only as an example of what the Newton can do.
This is a 1996 demo of the first version of Mosby's EDI,
a digital reference book for EMS personnel. The application provides ALS emergency
responders with quick access to information about drugs used in the pre hospital
environment. The book also contains interactive forms for verifying drug dosage and
infusion rate calculations. For the reader's enjoyment only.
This is the text of an information booklet written by the National
Institutes of Mental Health searchable by text.
This Newton Book includes charts and selected preventive care
recommendations excerpted from the Guide to Clinical Preventive Services, 2nd ed., by the
US Preventive Services Task Force. It also includes tables showing selected, age specific
preventive care services recommended by at least one of the ACP, CTF or USPSTF. For the
reader's enjoyment only. Credit: Karl Hsu (kyh@po.cwru.edu).
Patient's Guide to Cancer Demo, only the first five records contain
data. Covers from Adrenocortical carcinoma to Wilm's tumor. Each record contains
(only first 5) - Description, Stage Explanation, Treatment Option Overview, To learn more,
and references. 191 pages. Credit: Iverson Software Co.
Do you know someone who has gone through a heart attack? Here is the
step by step thoughts of a heart attack vicim - from the very first sign of symptoms to
the discharge from the hospital. The subject described is a 34 year old. The author
warns all to lay off fast food burgers and read his Newton book.
This is the complete text of the Center for Disease Control's Guidelines
for the Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases converted into a Newton book.