Martin Luther's trouble making proclaimation started the
Protestant Reformation! Credit: Iverson Software Co.
The author has divided the Book of Mormon up as follows
- 1 Nephi (281k), Nephi (332k), Jacob (162k), Enos, Jarom, Omni, Words of Mormon, Mosiah
(162k), Alma (1-20) (315k), Alma (21-43) (332k), Alma (44-63) (323k), Helaman (238k), 3
Nephi (323k), 4 Nephi (315k), Mormon, Ether, and Moroni (85k).
20 chapters and over 200 pages of Confucian Analects.
This is the King James Bible, New Testament, v1.0, in Newton Book
format. This Newton book has been adapted from public domain sources and made available by
New Millennium Publications, dedicated to making electronic versions of classic Christian
books widely available. This book will require about 1044k of storage, and is 1521 pages.
This is the New Testament divided into 8 smaller "books."
Here's a mini-biography of Lee Moon in NewtonBook format complete with
Attached is the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 1995, Memorial Anthology in
NewtonBook format. This is a collection of 28 essays, written between 1863 and 1910.
Authors include - Harriet Beecher Stowe, Frederick Douglass, James B. Runnion, Charles W.
Chesnutt, Booker T. Washington, Charles Dudley Warner, W. E. Burghardt Du Bois, J. Taylor
Wood, W. D. Howells, Jerome Dowd, Oswald Garrison Villard, Quincy Ewing, and Ray Stannard
Baker. The author requests a shareware fee of $5 of which $1 will go to Project Gutenberg,
along with a small royalty to be paid to Apple Computer, Inc.
This is the Newton Book version of the Holy Quran. This is an English
translation by Yusof Ali. The text was obtained from Islamic Computing Centre, UK. You
need NCK and 2MB flash card for storage.
G. K. Chesterton's defense of the basic Christian view of the world.
Credit: Harry Plantinga planting@cs.pitt.edu.
Over 160 philosophical terms. Credit: Iverson Software.
This is a newton book created for your continued spiritual growth, from
the public domain version of A.W. Tozer's book - The Pursuit of GOD.
The Seven Valleys describes the stages one must pass through on the road
to spiritual enlightenment. Credit: Gerald Fox.
An exerpt from Friedrich Nietzsche's spiritual journey, Thus Spake
A listing of 68 major world philosophers with a brief biographical
sketch of each.